Content, Objectives and Methods of 100Places:M


Increasing urbanisation world­wide is presenting urban regions with new challen­ges. The future-­oriented city must con­front eco­nomic, socio­cultural and demo­graphic struc­tural changes as well as the conse­quences of climate change with appro­priate and sustain­able develo­pment strategies.

The ecologic, social, economic and urban building rele­vance of adap­tive open spaces with their diverse re­quire­ments will grow stronger in the future.

However, so far, scientific research about the complex inter­actions of climate relevant appro­priation and design of these multi-­functional open spaces is lacking to provide effective contri­butions to enhance­ment of urban living quality and species diversity in times of climate change.


This subproject will focus on the synergy effects of nature elements and design of urban open spaces as well as their effects on users and the climate.

The spacial-temporal and social synergy of building materials, plants and humans on urban, multi-­functional open spaces plays an impor­tant role here. The main objective of the work is to provide concrete plan­ning and design guide­lines. These will help land­scape architects in the conception of multi-­functional and climate relevant open spaces.

Planning for these increasingly multi-­functional open spaces will require finding more than simply artistic so­lutions.



Within the research project 100Places:M 100 places will be evaluated systematically. Due to the great variety of its exis­ting green spaces, Munich is ideal for this study, allowing exa­mination of a diversity of construc­tions.

The aim of this inventory is the generation of a data­base to provide an overview of public places in  Munich and their climate potential.

In addition, case studies will be conducted on current develop­ments and challen­ges of sustain­able design of city squares. In particular, we will focus on the newly arising human-­insect-­tree-­fabric caused by climate change, the affective impact of new construc­tion materials and the potential for food produc­tion in public areas.

Hereby, the following study questions will be answered:

  • Which socio-material relationships in multifunctional open spaces play an important role for the use, appro­priation and meaning for different stake­holders?
  • Which objectives are relevant for adap­tation to climate change in small city squares?
  • How can the resulting findings be integrated in future design and management of open spaces?
  • How can spatial-­integrative open space concepts be developed and integrated?
  • How can this integrative process be effectively supported in practice through the development of plan­ning and design recom­men­dations and methodical tools?

The aim is the development of a guideline or compendium summarising the results of the study in the form of fact­sheets and info-­graphics.

The goal of this publication is the generation of a better awareness for the relation­ships of climate change, design and appro­priation in public areas by city planners, lands­cape architects, scientists, munici­palities and citizens.