Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Markus Stenger
Architecture for the non-place
21.11.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
The Munich-based architecture firm Stenger2 stands for openness towards the task at hand, without convention or ideological blinkers.
The office partners are in favour of an architectural transparency that reveals the function of the buildings. Architecture that demystifies, that shouts when it is loud and that remains silent when it is not required.
For them, architecture is an overarching meta-structure. It creates space, exerts a subversive and unnoticed influence on the human user – beyond the obvious and the flavourful. As architects, they have a responsibility not to cause any damage.
Lecture is held in German
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Ursula Münch
Politics in times of crisis
07.11.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and Livestream
Most people agree on at least one thing: our democracy is under considerable strain. But when it comes to identifying the causes, the common ground stops there: Some see the decisions and non-decisions of a regularly divided federal government as the main problem, while others point out that the often anti-popular and anti-institutional rhetoric of parties critical of the system deliberately fuels the already existing insecurity of the population. In order to remove the breeding ground for these slogans, the so-called elites must work hard to regain trust. The lecture will also discuss whether a change of focus and greater accessibility on the part of the so-called elites can contribute to this.
Lecture is held in German
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Laurent Ney
Context and Design - an integral approach
17.10.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and Livestream
Ney’s approach is characterized by research based design: optimization and form finding. This integration and optimization of structural elements aims to overcome the classic hierarchic assembly of constructive solutions. By consequence an integral design is the result: architecture, structure and context are addressed in one overall proposal. Each design is a consequence of these and not a matter of signature or of form, but the result of a series of questions he responds to.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Wolfgang Sattler (lecture in German)
Design as a tool for transformation
04.07.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and Livestream
Design goes beyond the creation of visually appealing objects. The major challenges of our time, design is faced with the task of taking into account the various influences and possible and impacts in a holistic way. The simultaneous consideration of social, ecological and and economic aspects is not a wish, but an absolute necessity. Where are the interfaces between design, technology and social challenges? Wolfgang Sattler gives an insight into his experiences as a designer and his time as a professor at the at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Anders Levermann (lecture in German)
Folding the World
27.06.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Climate protection and growth are not mutually exclusive. Climate researcher Anders Levermann explains this using the mathematical principle of convolution. He is the author of “Die Faltung der Welt” (Ullstein 2023), in which he explores how science can help us escape the growth dilemma and the climate crisis.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Andrea Klinge (lecture in German)
Building Turnaround
20.06.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Planetary boundaries are also increasingly felt in Europe. As a key driver of the current climate crisis, the building industry is called upon to develop new approaches to significantly reduce the massive consumption of resources and CO2 emissions. How can we still build today and what can future-oriented architecture look like? Andrea Klinge provides insights from her work and the discourse at ZRS Architects and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Oskar von Miller Forum: lecture by Eva Kail
Targeted group-oriented urban planning
16.05.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
The lecture will trace the long history of target-group oriented planning in Vienna and its influence on urban development, which began 33 years ago with the exhibition “Who owns public space – everyday life for women in the city”. The diverse thematic and methodological approaches and their concrete added value are illustrated by numerous Viennese examples. The impending post-fossil transformation of urban structures poses a great challenge, but also offers great potential for many different groups when viewed through a gender lens.
Oskar von Miller Forum: lecture by Anupama Kondoo
Building knowledge - Building community
06.06.2024 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream | lecture in English
Anupama Kundoo advances the idea that architectural imagination must transcend design and enter the realms of materials science and economics where some of the bigger questions reside. She will discuss the thrust of her inquiries which have been to find practical ways to fulfill the universal human aspiration for refuge, purpose, and social engagement through extensive material research and experimentation. She will discuss ‘Human Time as a Resource’ in the quest for new materiality and critically examine the way the time value of money has nudged us towards code-based design and the industrialized production of building components and, sometimes, even entire buildings themselves.
Oskar von Miller Forum: lecture by Michaela Wolf and Gerd Bergmeister (bergmeisterwolf)
Urban and rural contexts, a dialog.
18.01.2024 I 18.30 I Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Prof. Dr Arch Michaela Wolf studied architecture at the Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck, at the Architectural Association in London and at the Politecnico di Milano. She has been Professor of Design and Space at Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences since 2017. She has also been a member of the Munich Urban Design Commission since 2022 and a member of the Design Advisory Board of the City of Salzburg since 2023. Dr Arch Gerd Bergmeister studied architecture at the Universitá luav di Venezia and at the Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck.
bergmeisterwolf seeks answers to spatial and sensory requirements and contextual questions, which are complemented by an intensive dialogue with clients and university research.
The projects of bergmeisterwolf have been honoured with numerous national and international awards, including the national architecture prize "architetto italiano 2019". bergmeisterwolf - based in Brixen and Rosenheim - works with tradition, the present and the future to understand, reveal and explore the identity of the place.
Bavarian Chamber of Civil Engineers: 5th Climate Forum - "Can we still live in our cities in the future?"
5th Climate Forum
"Can we still live in our cities in the future?"
on 21 November 2023 I 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at the KUF at südpunkt (Centre for Education and Culture of the City of Nuremberg)
Pillenreutherstraße 147, 90459 Nuremberg
Sustainable and climate-friendly planning and building poses great challenges for municipalities, cities and the individual federal states. This applies not only to the construction of complex neighbourhoods and buildings, but also to the infrastructure, which must be adapted accordingly to the changing conditions.
- What challenges do public clients face?
- What possibilities and solutions are there?
- What has already been done in detail?
Speakers from different areas of the building sector will address these and other questions at the 5th Climate Forum with interesting presentations, insights and opportunities for discussion. Our Climate Forum will highlight the central municipal fields of action for climate protection and climate adaptation and the relevant topics for engineers.
Register now and exchange ideas with experts from civil engineering, politics, business and the public sector about new solutions and innovative approaches.
The cooperation partner of the 5th Climate Forum is the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Final event of the research project Green City of the Future

Climate-sensitive neighbourhood planning
06.11.2023 I 1-6 pm I Oskar von Miller forum and livestream
The research project GREEN CITY OF THE FUTURE II cordially invites you to the final event "Planning neighbourhoods in a climate-sensitive way".
The following questions will be addressed, among others: What advantages do different forms of building and neighbourhood greening offer? How can urban society be actively involved in the development of green and climate-resilient neighbourhoods? How can climate resilience be concretely integrated into planning and administrative processes, especially in urban planning and landscape design competitions? What role do the various actors play in planning and what alternative processes are available?
Registration for participation in presence (registration possible until 23 October):
Registration for online participation (registration possible until 3 November):
Please note: Registration is only complete once you have received a confirmation email.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Further information and the programme can be found here.
The event will be held in German.
Contact: gruenestadt.epb@ed.tum.de
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Anne Loes Nillesen
30.11.2023 I 6.30 pm I Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Anne Loes Nillesen is founding director of Defacto Urbanism. She worked on complex, large-scale urban design, mobility and climate adaptation assignments and long-term perspectives, such as the Dutch Delta Programme and Bangladesh Delta Plan, Resilience by Design – Metropolitan Area Amsterdam, and several regional and local scale adaptation projects. She currently works on the Climate Adaptation Strategy for Rotterdam, the Advisory brief for soil and water for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and several regional strategies for soil and water as guiding principle.
In addition to running Defacto, Anne Loes Nillesen is professor Urban Design at the Delft University of Technology, where she founded the Climate Adaptation Lab and Delta Interventions integral MSc graduate studios, Faculty of Architecture. Her PhD research investigated the relation between urban design and flood risk strategies. She graduated with honors as an Architect and Urban designer from TU Delft and undertook postgraduate studies in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam. She published books such as ‘Amphibious Housing in the Netherlands’ and ‘Delta Interventions: Design and Engineering in Urban Water Landscapes’, and developed the ‘Climate Adaptation Game’, a multi-player board game.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Hanaa Dahy
Design with Resources – discover hidden potentials!
16.11.2023 I 6.30 pm I Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Hanaa Dahy, is a registered German Egyptian architect who established her (BioMat@Copenhagen) research centre within her associate professorship at Aalborg University-Copenhagen as well as her company-sector named BioMat TGU@TTI GmbH in Stuttgart in 2022 based on her first (BioMat) department during her first professorship at the University of Stuttgart in mid-2016. Her first architecture office was established in Cairo since 2003.
She holds European and international patents, won dozens of Design Awards including the Materialica and MaterialPreis Awards as well as the Excellence Award for Women of outstanding achievements in the Architecture and Construction in the Middle East- Top 3 in 2020.
Lecture in German
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Tobias Huber
Aesthetics, construction and sustainability as one
09.11.2023 I 6.30 pm I Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Tobias Huber studied civil engineering at the University of Stuttgart and graduated in 2005 from the Institute for Lightweight Design and Construction ILEK under Prof. Dr Werner Sobek.
After successful positions as a project engineer and project manager at Dr. Deuring + Oehninger AG in Winterthur and as an associate at Knippers Helbig GmbH in Stuttgart, he joined ZPF Ingenieure in 2016. He has been a partner since 2019 and a member of the extended executive board since 2021. Tobias Huber is responsible for structural design and ecology, among other things, and oversees competitions and studies. He is currently leading the Hortus project in Allschwil, which is setting a new standard for sustainability.
Since 2019, Tobias Huber has been teaching as a lecturer in structural engineering at the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW.
Lecture in German
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Inger Birgitte Kroon
Risk and Reliability in major Infrastructure Projects
26.10.2023 I 6.30 pm I Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Inger B. Kroon is project director in COWI’s department of major bridges and has +25 years’ experience with major infrastructure projects. She holds a Ph.D. in structural reliability and is internationally recognised for her work within risk assessment and probabilistic modelling.
She is working primarily with design project management and establishment of project basis for major bridge and tunnel projects on the international scene. In the last number of years, Inger has been the project director leading detailed design and construction engineering for the 1915 Canakkale suspension bridge project with a world record main span of 2023 meter which opened to traffic in 2022.
Regenerative 'Ecolopes' on the Meridian Line by Dr. Mike Wells

Tuesday, September 6th I 5:00 pm CEST I Online
Mike Wells is both a professional ecologist and an ecourbanist, with over 30 years of consultancy experience and over 40 years in ecological science. He co-founded Biodiversity by Design Ltd in 2006 with the express aim of focusing on creative multifunctional and restorative ecology.
He will talk about two large-scale regeneration projects in London which have been the focus on cutting edge thinking on ecourbanism since the mid-1990s. The first of these, the Greenwich Peninsula Regeneration was driven by the need to provide a site to host the celebrations for the turn of the millennium (including the Millennium Dome – now the 02 Arena) and was designed at the time of what was then called in the UK the ‘Urban Renaissance’. The second, the creation of Stratford Athletes Village (now East Village, Stratford) from a brownfield site was progressed initially for the 2012 Olympic Games and has since become one of the most successful rental sector housing projects in London. Dr Mike Wells was the ecological designer for both projects and has remained involved till the present day in undertaking long-term research on the biodiversity of these sites and their delivery of ecosystem services. He describes some of the key successes and lessons learned and highlights the importance of these projects as exemplars on the global meridian line and what relevance that might have to the development of true ecourbanism in developing countries.
Please join online via this link:
Meeting-ID: 654 6824 9393
Kenncode: 019147
With best regards,
Contact person for ECOLOPES TALKS: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig, TU Munich dissemination(at)ecolopes.org
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Maja Göpel
Designing4future - Creating knowledge in times of transition
04.07.2023 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel has worked for 25 years as a political economist, transformation expert and sustainability scientist at the interface of science, politics and society.
The political consultant, bestselling author (“Unsere Welt neu denken”, Ullstein Verlag, translated into six languages) and sought-after speaker is Honorary Professor for Sustainability Transformations at Leuphana University Lüneburg.
She was most recently Scientific Director at The New Institute and Secretary General of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). Before that, she headed the Berlin office of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, after six years as Director Future Justice of the Brussels office and as Campaign Manager Climate Energy in Hamburg, where she helped to establish the World Future Council.
The media economist with a doctorate in political economy is a member of the Club of Rome, the World Future Council, the Balaton Group, the Bioeconomy Council of the German Federal Government and co-founder of the initiative “Scientists4Future”.
She has received many awards for her work, most recently the Science Communication Medal and the Theodor Heuss Prize.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Tina Saaby
Feeling the city
29.06.2023 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
“Feeling the city” is about the physical framework and layout of our cities and homes. How we can understand humans, the way we live our lives, how we can affect our quality of life, creating better frameworks for joy, relationships, coexistence, communities and physical well-being. City makers of tomorrow know that daylight releases endorphins, that fresh air makes us think more clearly, that high ceilings create greater creativity, that relationships trigger dopamine and that eye contact, touch, smiles create feelings of happiness and caring.
In her lecture Tina Saaby will share some of her learnings from being city architect in Copenhagen and Gladsaxe, designing the city as partner in WITRAZ architects and from conversations with citymakers, politicians and citizens around the world. She will reflect on element as climate change, placemaking, bikeculture, nature in the city and how to create cities for and with people.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Bernardo Bader
Untranslatability of Architecture
22.06.2023 | 18:30 | Oskar von Miller Forum and livestream
For twenty years now, Bernardo Bader’s oeuvre has combined his deep awareness of regionality with the skilful execution of spaces that are true to the material. Characteristic architectures have been created that are distinguished by the combination of refined and atmospheric use of materials and precision craftsmanship worked out down to the last detail. The regional bond of architecture and the characteristic relationship between the interiors and the qualities of the immediate surroundings distinguish his work – each project is a unity of nature and culture.
In “finding rather than inventing”, the specific conditions of the place and the society operating within it manifest themselves and evoke what he calls an “untranslatability” of architecture in his projects.
Lecture in German
Animal Aided Design at TUM@Freising
Animal-Aided Design reconciles housing and nature conservation. How can a common, urban habitat for humans and wildlife succeed? Wolfgang Weisser, Professor of Terrestrial Ecology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Weihenstephan, will talk about this in a lecture from the series TUM@Freising on December 13, 2022 at 7 pm at the Lindenkeller Freising. Researchers from the TUM School of Life Sciences regularly report on their work as part of the lecture series and invite their audience to participate in a dialog.
You can find more detailed information here. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Vortragsreihe.Freising(at)ls.tum.de.
15th Weihenstephan Forum "Green Fingers and Coloured Ribbons - Contributions to an Urban Green Infrastructure"
21 October 2022 | IGZW - Internationales Getränkezentrum Weihenstephan
The impoverishment of many landscapes and the associated decline of insects and other wildlife are part of a biodiversity crisis in the sense of a second "Silent Spring". However, current environmental changes are not only leading to species declines, but also have negative consequences for ecosystem services, including in cities. As a contribution to a solution, urban green infrastructure is being upgraded in many countries. This topic will be presented and discussed at the 15th Weihenstephan Forum.
Final Conference "Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities"
11. - 12.10.2022 | Ingolstadt and online
Blue Green City is a network of municipalities and regions co-funded by Interreg Europe (2019-2023) seeking to improve policies that promote Blue and Green Infrastructure (BGI) as an integral part of a local or regional natural heritage preservation strategy.
The final conference will bring together the partners and their stakeholders to share their experiences of the interregional learning process and to discuss best practice recommendations for improving policy instruments that promote blue and green infrastructure.
The hybrid event will take place at brigk digital, Schloßlände 26, 85049 Ingolstadt. Online participants will be sent the Zoom link before the event.
Impulse format "Liveable city of the future - climate-friendly planning and building"
05.10.2022 | 16:00 h
The Bavarian Minister of Construction, Christian Bernreiter, and the Bavarian Minister of the Environment, Thorsten Glauber, invite you to Munich Urban Colab on Wednesday, 5 October 2022 at 4 pm. In a compact 90 minutes, keynote speeches from politics, research and practice will highlight what is currently perhaps the greatest challenge facing our cities, where we stand in the process and how we can move forward. The starting point will be current experiences with climate-adapted housing construction in experimental housing construction. At a get-together afterwards, the guests will have the opportunity to deepen the exchange. The format is aimed at people from the fields of planning, administration, housing industry, politics and civil society; participation is free, online registration is required.
The event will be held in German.
Oskar von Miller Forum: Lecture by Andreas Kipar
Reconnecting People with Nature
LAND’s consulting and design practice aims to improve people’s well-being through the implementation of climate-positive solutions and participative processes that lead to sustainable development. They advise public and private clients on how to innovate with nature by applying international policies and promoting collaborative planning procedures. Together with their clients and extensive network of partners, they unlock the potential of societies’ green transition.
Lecture in German
Oskar-von-Miller-Forum: Talk with Paddy Sieuwerts
19.05.2022 | 6:30 pm
(r)evolution in architecture? circularity – sustainability – futureproof
Basic philosophy behind the projects of cepezed is to create user-friendly architecture. Creating flexible and futureproof structures with an abundance of daylight, offering a pleasant sojourn and an optimal use. By using prefabricated and high-quality building products, they not only make structures efficient but also sustainable and environmentally aware.
The event is held in English.
STADT LEBENs RAUM – Perspectives and initiatives
21.06.2022 | Schloss Nymphenburg, Munich
The event will be held in German.
Climate-resilient sponge city: Nature-based concepts and measures as a building block of urban transformation
20.06.2022 | Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau
The event will be held in German.
Congress on Urban Greening: Green Future Concepts for Bavaria's Cities and Municipalities
04.05.2022 | Bayerischer Landtag
The event will be held in German.
Program preview Oskar-von-Miller-Forum: Lecture by Tina Saaby on 02.12.2021
Feeling the City
Program preview Oskar-von-Miller-Forum: Lecture by Christoph Ingenhoven on 20.01.2022
Program preview Oskar-von-Miller-Forum: Lecture by Henk Ovink on 25.11.2021
Water as Leverage – design driven catalyst for climate action
Lecture by Jan Knippers on 28.10.2021 at the Oskar-von-Miller-Forum and at www.ovmf.de
Jan Knippers | Jan Knippers Ingenieure | Stuttgart
Lecture „Architektur anders denken: Integratives computerbasiertes Planen und Bauen“ (Thinking architecture differently: Integrative computer-based design and construction) on 28. October 2021 | 6:30 pm
The climate crisis requires a drastic reduction in the consumption of fossil resources for construction. This requires new lightweight construction methods and alternative building materials that at least partially replace steel and concrete.
Jan Knippers has been head of the Institute for Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart since 2000, where he has established research activities on resource-efficient and long-span structures. In 2018, he founded Jan Knippers Ingenieure at the interface of research, development and practice.
In the lecture, Jan Knippers will address how the fundamental and interdependent research of digital design methods and robotic manufacturing processes enables new approaches for tomorrow's construction that respond to the challenges of the future.
You are cordially invited to attend the lecture. Please note that the 3G-Plus rule applies at the Oskar von Miller Forum. The lecture will additionally be available to watch via livestream on www.ovmf.de.
Proceedings of the 48th Wastewater Engineering Seminar published
The proceedings of the 48th Wastewater Technical Seminar (ATS) "Stormwater Management in Times of Climate Change" have been published. The proceedings can be accessed here. . The proceedings are password-protected (can be requested via the coordination at info(at)zsk.tum.de).
Lecture by Barbara Lenz on 18.06.2021 at www.ovmf.de
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de
Barbara Lenz | Institute of Transport Research (DLR) Berlin
June 17, 2021 | 6:30 p.m.
"New mobility - new city? Interactions between new mobility concepts and urban space" (in German).
Car traffic still dominates most cities, but measures are gradually being implemented that provide and promote environmentally friendly and, above all, less space-consuming mobility alternatives. In addition to traditional public transport and bicycles, these include the shared use of vehicles, especially in the context of car or ridesharing.
Using examples from Germany and Europe, Barbara Lenz will show in her lecture which ideas and options are behind the term "new mobility concepts" and which framework conditions are necessary for their success, but above all for the expected effect on public space and traffic in the city.
Barbara Lenz was director of the DLR Institute for Transport Research in Berlin until the beginning of 2021. At the same time, she taught and conducted research as a professor of transport geography at Humboldt University in Berlin. She is currently a member of the EU Mission Board on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities. Since 2019, she has been leading one of six working groups of the German National Platform for the Future of Mobility and is a member of the expert commission for the monitoring report "Energy of the Future" of the German government.
You can watch the presentation on June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the player on the homepage of the Oskar-von-Miller Forum (no registration required). The player will go live at 6:30 pm. Questions for Barbara Lenz can be emailed to vortrag(at)ovmf.de during the lecture.
Lecture Wilfried Kuehn on 10.06.2021 at www.ovmf.de
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de
Wilfried Kuehn | Kuehn Malvezzi | Berlin
June 10, 2021 | 6:30 pm
"Urban Nature - An inner-city rooftop greenhouse with vertical garden by Kuehn Malvezzi and atelier le balto." (in German)
How can gardens in the city also be public and become places for the general public? This was the challenge Kuehn Malvezzi Architects and atelier le balto faced in their recently realized design for a commercial building with a rooftop greenhouse and vertical garden at Oberhausen's Altmarkt.
The building-integrated rooftop greenhouse, planned in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute / Umsicht, is an expression of infarming, in which inner-city cultivation enables sustainable plant production without transport routes to the consumer. At the same time, it reduces energy consumption, carbon emissions and resource use by utilizing the office building's material cycles for plant cultivation.
Wilfried Kuehn is a partner in the architectural firm Kuehn Malvezzi in Berlin and a professor of interior design and drafting at the Vienna University of Technology.
You can watch the lecture on June 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the player on the home page of the Oskar-von-Miller Forum (no registration required). The player will go live at 6:30 pm. Questions to Wilfried Kuehn can be sent via e-mail to vortrag(at)ovmf.de during the lecture.
Lecture „The Future of Conviviality in a City Reshaped by the Pandemic” by Deyan Sudjic on May 20, 2021
Lecture via Livestream on www.ovmf.de
Deyan Sudjic | Design Museum London
„The Future of Conviviality in a City Reshaped by the Pandemic” on 20. May 2021 | 6:30 pm
The high-density, car-free, multicultural model of city life that urban planners, architects and politicians have considered desirable for the past 25 years has been turned upside down by months of lockdowns due to the pandemic. What will happen next in the contemporary city is not a question of a return to normalcy according to Deyan Sudjic. Online shopping, working from home, and online conferencing had impacted city centers before as well. But more and more, there is a heightened awareness of how fundamental the age-old idea of shared urban living is.
Deyan Sudjic is Emeritus Director of the Design Museum, London, Professor of Architecture and Design at Lancaster University, critic and curator.
You can watch the lecture in English on May 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the player on the homepage of the Oskar-von-Miller Forum (without registration). The player will go live at 6:30 pm. Questions for Deyan Sudjic during the talk can be emailed to vortrag(at)ovmf.de or sent to lecture(at)ovmf.de.
Lecture Eike Roswag-Klinge "Creating Natural Change - Strategies for a Building of Tomorrow" on May 6, 2021
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de
Eike Roswag-Klinge | Technical University Berlin
"Creating Natural Change - Strategies for a Building of Tomorrow"
on May 6, 2021 | 6:30 p.m.
The contribution of construction to man-made climate change and resource depletion is well known. This will not be achieved through more efficient technology, reduced consumption and the use of renewable energies alone. The global goal must be a climate-adapted low-tech building based on local building products.
The office ZRS Architekten Ingenieure and the Natural Building Lab of the TU Berlin are researching, planning and realizing model projects in different cultures and climate zones. Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA and one of the initiators and managing directors of ZRS Architekten Ingenieure and head of the Natural Building Lab, will present this in the lecture.
You can watch the lecture on May 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the player on the homepage of the Oskar-von-Miller Forum (without registration). The player will go live at 6:30 p.m. Questions for Eike Roswag-Klinge can be sent by e-mail to vortrag(at)ovmf.de during the lecture.
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de "After Engineering + Design-engineering" on April 22, 2021
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de
Hanif Kara | AKT II | London
"After Engineering + Design-engineering" on April 22, 2021 | 6:30 p.m.
Future engineers* in civil engineering will need skills that have largely been considered optional. They are often perceived as a profession only able to respond to questions posed by others.
In his presentation, Hanif Kara will address this through his work at AKT II as well as his teaching at various universities. With his particular "design-led" approach and interest in innovative design, material use, sustainability and complex methods of analysis, Hanif Kara has been involved in numerous landmark projects.
You can watch the lecture in English on April 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the player on the Oskar-von-Miller Forum homepage (no registration required). The player will go live at 6:30 pm. Questions for Hanif Kara during the talk can be emailed to vortrag(at)ovmf.de or sent to lecture(at)ov.
Online lecture: Butterflies in the Three Zone Garden on 17.03.2021
Online lecture by GreenCity in cooperation with ZSK-TP8 "Colorful Ribbons":
03/17/2021, 7:00pm - 8:30pm.
Next to bees, butterflies are the absolute favorite of natural gardeners. How can I attract butterflies? Which things have to be considered to settle them permanently? What concrete measures are to be taken to support these wonderful insects.
Learn tricks and specifics in an entertaining way that come into play in an ecologically oriented three zone garden.
For more information see https://www.bluehende-baender.de/termin/schmetterlinge-im-drei-zonen-garten/
Online lecture: Get to know and protect wild bees on 03.03.2021
Online lecture by GreenCity in cooperation with ZSK-SP8 "Colorful Ribbons":
03.03.2021 19:00 - 20:30 hrs.
Online via Zoom
In addition to the honey bee, around 570 mostly solitary bee species live in Germany. Their importance in nature and thus also for us humans is immense, because wild bees are indispensable flower pollinators and provide seeds and fruits.
Lecture "The Nature of the City" by Günther Vogt on February 4, 2021 in Livestream
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de
Günther Vogt | Vogt Landscape Architects | Zurich
Lecture "The Nature of the City" on February 4, 2021 | 6:30 p.m. via Livestream
You can watch the lecture on February 4 at 6:30 pm in the player on the homepage of the Oskar-von-Miller Forum. The player will go live at 6:30 pm. Questions for Günther Vogt can be sent by e-mail to vortrag(at)ovmf.de during the lecture.
Lecture "Structure is Architecture" on January 28, 2021 | 6:30 p.m. Livestream at [www.ovmf.de]
Tivadar Puskas, Kevin M. Rahner | Schnetzer Puskas Engineers Basel
You can watch the presentation on January 28 at 6:30 pm in the player on the Oskar-von-Miller-Forum homepage. The player will go live at 18:30. Questions for Tivadar Puskas and Kevin M. Rahner can be emailed to vortrag(at)ovmf.de during the talk.
Lecture "Knowledge Architecture: Tools and Spaces for Innovation" by Jörg Rainer Noennig on January 21st
Lecture via livestream on www.ovmf.de
Jörg Rainer Noennig | WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture | TU Dresden
Lecture "Knowledge Architecture: Tools and Spaces for
Innovations" on January 21, 2021 | 6:30 p.m. via livestream.
How do you create places for knowledge creation? Jörg Rainer Noennig will answer this in his lecture and address which architectural tools and spatial model solutions can support the different forms of knowledge work - e.g. research, learning or creativity. In addition, new digital tools will be presented that harness collective creativity and artificial intelligence to solve complex planning challenges.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Rainer Noennig is director of the WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture at the TU Dresden and professor for Digital City Science at the Hafencity University Hamburg.
The WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture at TU Dresden is an interdisciplinary think tank at the interface of design, engineering and social sciences. Its research explores the relationships between the structures of both physical and digital spaces and the processes of knowledge work.
You can watch the talk on January 21 at 6:30pm in the player on the home page of the Oskar-von-Miller Forum website (no registration required). The player will go live at 18:30. Questions to Prof. Noennig can be sent via email to vortrag(at)ovmf.de during the lecture.
Online lecture: diversity, beauty, benefit - the three zone garden, an insect paradise on 20.01.2021
Online lecture by GreenCity in cooperation with ZSK-SP8 "Colorful Ribbons":
Jan. 20, 2021, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Online via Zoom
Diversity by principle: "Species richness by impoverishment", because sometimes more grows on nutrient-poor soils - wild hedges, fruit trees and flower meadows provide diverse food and habitat. Besides wild bees and butterflies, frogs, toads, newts, lizards and a variety of birds feel at home in the three-zone garden.
Markus Gastl talks about his passion for creating an insect paradise. For years he has been using every conceivable material, applying permaculture methods and designing entirely with all his animal co-inhabitants in mind. He shows how stone pyramids, gravel and dead wood can be essential components of a natural and insect-friendly garden. In the process, Gastl creates an oasis for insects, a "mosaic of habitats," as he calls it.
More information and access to the lecture can be found here.
Annual exhibition "The sustainable city - urban development, open space, climate protection".
Starting on January 19, the City of Munich's annual exhibition "The Sustainable City - Urban Development, Open Space, Climate Protection" will take place.
Three discussion events, five city walks and a youth workshop invite people to engage in a dialog about the sustainable city. Digital, yet very personal guided tours through the exhibition present topics and projects. In addition, film clips and picture galleries show impressions from the hall, which is closed for the time being due to the pandemic.
You can find all this at www.muenchen.de/sustainable - let yourself be surprised!
Online lecture: Insect-friendly garden design in times of climate change on 15.12.2020
Online lecture by GreenCity in cooperation with ZSK-SP8 "Colorful Ribbons":
Dec. 15, 2020, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Online via Zoom
Permanent high, constantly above 30 °C. Three months without rain, Sicilian conditions. Temperature records, one after the other. How are our insects doing with it? What kind of garden would be best for them? Do recipes focusing on native wild plants still work? A look over the principles of natural gardening and into various nature-oriented gardens shows that such natural gardens with their insect-friendly plants are part of the solution.
Reinhard Witt, who has been active in the field of near-natural garden design for decades, will provide us with exciting and helpful insights into his wealth of experience. He will show with fantastic pictures how to create an attractive garden - for humans and animals - even in times of weeks of drought, without complicated technical precautions.