In chronological order
Planning the urban climate of the future - the press release of TUM about the interactive guideline of SP 16
The latest press release from the Technical University of Munich is about the online tool developed by the team from subproject 16. The online tool (interactive guideline) is based on the CityTree model developed by Prof Dr Thomas Rötzer, Head of the ZSK.
Cities, municipalities and interested individuals can use the interactive guideline for urban trees to analyse how 12 common tree species are growing in 34 German cities and how much trees benefit the local climate in the present and in the future. The interactive guideline is easy to access from the homepage of the Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation.
Urban planning in the light of climate change - Interview with Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer
In an interview with Bayerischer Rundfunk, Professor Rötzer explains how trees cool the environment and that reducing the soil sealing below trees has positive effects on the vitality of the tree and its cooling capacity.
The key message is clear: doubling the open space under a tree will double the tree's cooling capacity. At Rotkreuzplaz, for example, if only 40% of the ground under the tree were sealed, the cooling capacity would double and reach 6 degrees.
Click here for the article and here for the TV report.
The Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation at the Sustainability Day 2024 of TUM
On the 12.06. the Sustainability Day 2024 of the Technical University of Munich took place in the Campus Garching and our coordination team was there to present the ZSK projects.
The many visitors could read the ZSK publications and get informed about the different topics and groups of our Centre. Also representative of the subproject 16 were present with a booth, the SP 9 joined with some of the analysed trees and the SP 13. The associated project "ECO +" was presented in a Speedtalk. Just right close to the ZSK booth, Dr. Astrid Reischl was representing and explaining the Research training group Urban Green Infrastracture.
Photo: the coordination team (Eleonora Franceschi & Gina Fehringer) ready to talk about ZSK and Leila Parhizgar (RTG UGI) at the SP 16 booth.
The interactive guideline for urban trees is online!
The interactive guideline for urban trees is now online and easy to access from our ZSK website. To the guide >>>
The guideline (digital and analog) is being created as part of subproject 16 of the ZSK and has already been presented to a wide audience of experts at various events, such as the Baumpflegetage in April 2024.
The interactive guideline can be used to simulate ecosystem services such as the cooling effect for tree species in Central European cities. The ability to simulate future climate scenarios and a dry year makes it possible to illustrate the impact of climate change on urban greenery.
If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to send them to us and we will integrate them into the guideline as far as possible. Please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer, who is leading the project.
Save the Date: Presentation of Guideline of Subproject "Climate Container Trees"| 28 May in Freising
The subproject "Climate Container Trees" invites warmly to the presentation of its guideline "Trees in Containers as effective measure for the urban climate to adapt to climate change" on 28.05.2024 from 9 am to 1 pm aat the Weihenstephaner Campus (Freising). The presentation will be held in German language.
The presentation will present the latest findings from the project research work on the growth and ecosystem performance of trees in planters as well as their potential in the design of projects in high-density urban areas in planning practice. The guide is aimed at cities and municipalities as well as landscape architects, urban planners and architects so that they can use trees in planters in a targeted manner in places where conventional tree planting is not possible. It will thus help to adapt to climate change and increase biodiversity in dense urban situations.
Save the Date in the calender! More information about the program here.
Please register to the event writing an email to Christoph Fleckenstein:
Final event "Climate-friendly construction - model project" successfully held on 20.03.2024
The final event of the accompanying research "Climate-friendly building - model project" took place on 20.03.2024 at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich. Thorsten Glauber, MdL (Bavarian State Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection) and Christian Bernreiter, MdL (Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Construction and Transport) were among the almost 120 guests from housing construction companies, representatives of ministries, local authorities, approval bodies and planners as well as the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.
The brochure entitled "Affordable climate-friendly construction" was presented during the event. Here, selected measures for climate protection and climate adaptation were evaluated on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis over their life cycle using real model projects. Click here for the brochure (only in German). On request, a copy of the brochure can be sent by post by the ZSK. To do so, please contact
Thanks to all participants for their interest and the lively discussions!
Save the Date: Final event of the scientific accompanying research: "Climate friendly building - model project" on 20.03.2024
The scientific accompanying research: "Climate friendly building - model project" will hold a final event on the 20.03.2024 at Oskar von Miller Forum from 2pm until 5 pm (Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 25, 80333 Munich).
Infos about the program and the registration will be communicated soon!
Open position RTG Urban Green Infrastructure: System Modeler (m/w/d) (updated 08.09.2023)
At the Technical University of Munich, School of Life Sciences, a full-time position of a Research Associate (m/f/d) is available from 1st September 2023 or the earliest possible date thereafter within the Research Training Group "Urban Green Infrastructure - Training Next Generation Professionals for Integrated Urban Planning Research" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The position is limited to three years. There is a possibility of extension within the duration of the Research Training Group.
The Research Training Group "Urban Green Infrastructure - Training Next Generation Professionals for Integrated Urban Planning Research" aims to explore innovative approaches for livable, sustainable and climate resilient cities through green infrastructure in an inter- and transdisciplinary way. More information about the research training group and the research topics can be found at:
Urban Green Infrastructure - Research Training Groups (
More information <<< here >>>
ZDF documentary "City trees under stress - tree rescuers fight for preservation"
Our colleague and former ZSK-coordinator Dr. Astrid Reischl and her team were interviewed as part of the documentary "Stadtbäume im Stress - Baumretter kämpfen für den Erhalt" ("City trees under stress - tree rescuers fight for their preservation") by ZDF's e-Planet. In it, she gives a brief but interesting insight into the ecosystem services of urban trees and her research at TUM.
Here to the documentary in the ZDF media library (only available in German)
ZSK Symposium "Bavarian Cities in Climate Change: Transformation through Green-Blue infrastructures" successfully held
On June 21, 2023, the ZSK symposium "Bavarian cities in climate change: Transformation through green-blue infrastructures" took place at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich. Current research results and experiences from Bavarian municipalities and environmental initiatives were presented and discussed in keynote speeches, discussion panels and workshops. Topics included urban climate adaptation, urban greening and sustainable stormwater management.
If you are interested, you can download a short summary of the symposium here and the short brochure of the ZSK here. This gives an overview of the contents of the ZSK and its subprojects. Both files are only available in German.
A part of the presentations of the speakers can be found below (only in German):
Climate Adaptation in Nuremberg - Implementation and Planning (Annegret Weidig, Umweltamt Stadt Nürnberg)
Together we are less alone - The Municipal Climate Adaptation Dialogues (Susan Schwarzak, State Office for the Environment).
ACT NOW! Cooling Climate Oases (Florian Otto, bauchplan).( Landschaftsarchitekten)
ExWoSt Research Project Climate Change Adaptation 2009/13 - Results and Implementation in the Municipal Practice of Regensburg (Joachim Buck, former employee of the Regensburg City Planning Office)
Many thanks to all participants and speakers for their active participation and contribution!
ZSK Symposium "Bavarian Cities in Climate Change: Transformation through Green-Blue Infrastructures" 21.06.2023 // Event in German
The ZSK kindly invites to the ZSK symposium "Bavarian Cities in Climate Change: Transformation through Green-Blue Infrastructures" on Wednesday 21st June 2023 at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich. Current research results and experiences from Bavarian municipalities and environmental initiatives on the topics of urban climate adaptation, urban greening, biodiversity and sustainable rainwater management will be presented and discussed. The event is aimed at interested experts and municipal representatives.
The event is held in German. Find more details to the agenda here.
To register please click here.
Invitation to Symposium "ArchitectureNature-NatureArchitecture" 16.06.2023
On Friday 16th June 2023 the Symposium "ArchitectureNature-NatureArchitecture" will take place in Munich and online. The ZSK is one of the cooperation partner of this event.
Detailed information can be found here.
To register please send an E-Mail to
Research Training Group Urban Green Infrastructure: PhD Position
There is one PhD position open in the DFG-funded Research Training Group.
Subproject "Spatio-temporal Patterns of Pollen and Fungal Spores and its Impact on Health and Disease" by Prof. Traidl-Hoffmann.
Further information about the position and the possibility to apply under this link.
Announcement: ZSK Symposium "Bavarian Cities in Climate Change: Transformation through Green-Blue Infrastructures" (event in German!)
The ZSK is organising a symposium on 21 June 2023 at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich, where current research results and experiences from Bavarian municipalities and environmental initiatives on the topics of urban climate adaptation, urban greening, biodiversity and sustainable rainwater management will be presented and discussed. The event is aimed at interested experts and municipal representatives. Further information will follow shortly. Please note that the event will be held in German.
Review of the final event "Animal Aided Design"
On 31.01. and 01.02.2023, the final workshop for the project "Animal-Aided Design in Housing - The Example of Brantstraße in Munich" hybrid took place in the Vorhoelzer Forum at the TU Munich and via Zoom.
Cities are often more biodiverse than you think. However, urban animals are increasingly threatened, partly because their needs are not yet an integral part of urban planning. Animal-Aided Design (AAD) starts precisely here and wants to open up the city even more for the coexistence of humans and animals. In this way, animals are actively considered in planning, architectural design, the creation of green spaces and maintenance. In this way, they are to be protected and promoted in the city. In cooperation between GEWOFAG, the Technical University of Munich, the University of Kassel and the Vienna University of Technology, the world's first residential complex based on the AAD concept was created in Brantstraße in Munich Laim. The complex was completed in 2020 and has been accompanied by biological monitoring since then.
On Tuesday 31 January 2023, visitors would be introduced to the topic by philosopher, award winner and best-selling non-fiction author Fahim Amir with his talk "Philosophies of Cohabitation". This was followed by a panel discussion on the importance of animals in our cities. On Wednesday, 01.02.2023, the closing event was introduced with a speech by our Bavarian State Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection, Mr. Thorsten Glauber (press release StMUV). Afterwards, the results of this worldwide unique construction project were presented to the public for the first time as well as reports on the practical challenges of this promising concept by all involved stakeholders.
The brochure on the final conference can be found at:
Subprojects 13 and 14 at "Aqua Urbanica" in Glattfelden, Switzerland
This year, the ZSK was represented with two subprojects at the conference "Aqua Urbanica", which took place on 14 and 15 November 2022 in Glattfelden, Switzerland. The subprojects "Scientific Accompanying Research" and "Multifunctional Infiltration Swales" presented their latest research results which can be downloaded from this link (p.17 and p. 203).
Tree planting event with Minister of State Thorsten Glauber and presentation of the " Guidelines for Urban Trees in Bavaria" on 10.11.2022 in Forchheim
Bavaria's Minister of the Environment, Thorsten Glauber, presented the ZSK guidelines for municipalities in Forchheim on 10.11.2022 and planted a young, climate-resistant elm tree. Glauber emphasised: "Urban greenery is becoming increasingly important in times of climate change with increasing heat and drought. Urban trees cool and humidify the air like a natural air conditioning system. Urban greenery is also a valuable habitat. Urban trees are also an important air filter. Fresh air corridors, green lungs and urban trees are thus not only a question of a beautiful cityscape and urban quality of life. They are also preventive health protection in cities and thus indispensable in times of climate change. The new guide for urban trees in climate change supports municipalities and planners in selecting suitable trees and using them in the right place. All cities and municipalities in Bavaria can benefit from this groundwork." The recommendations for action are intended to help with climate adaptation through trees in the city in the long term and at the same time strengthen urban nature. The guideline is based on the ZSK subproject "City Trees", which included the surveys of around 2,000 urban trees throughout Bavaria.
Prof. Stephan Pauleit at Munich Climate Autumn
Four out of five cities worldwide are exposed to extreme heat or flooding, according to a study by the Carbon Disclosure Project organisation. Climate change is likely to exacerbate the situation. But municipalities are not helpless: nature-based solutions and forward-looking planning will make cities more climate resilient and ecologically sustainable. Promising adaptation strategies were explained by experts at the special dialogue forum organised by the Munich Re Foundation on the occasion of the Munich Climate Autumn 2022.
New article in "Stadt+Grün"
In the current issue (10/2022) of "Stadt+Grün", an article on subproject 13 Scientific accompanying research: "Climate friendly building - model project" was published. The article, entitled "Designing planning competitions to be climate-proof: New catalogue of criteria integrates climate-friendly aspects" can be read as an ePaper here.
The ZSK at the event "Liveable City of the Future"
The Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection and the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport invited to a joint event entitled "Liveable city of the future - climate-friendly planning and building" on 5 October 2022. The ZSK subproject accompanying research on the model project "Climate adaptation in housing construction" was presented jointly by Prof. Dr. Werner Lang, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Helmreich and Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert in three short lectures. Many thanks for the invitation to this all-round successful event!
You can find the programme under this link.
The short presentations "Connecting Green Blue Grey: Pathways to Climate Adaptation in Housing - A Spotlight from Research" are available <<< here >>> (in German language).
Invitation to the online final event of the subproject "Redensification in the Context of Climate Change"
Subproject 11 invites you to the final event, which will take place online on 09.11.2022 from 13:30 - 17:30.
For details, please see the attached invitation. Registration is possible under this link. The event will be held in German.
TV report "Bavaria's big cities become embers"
In the heatwave summer of 2022, the Bavarian broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk reported on the topic of "Bavaria's big cities are becoming glowing ovens" in the Abendschau and interviewed, among others, our colleague Eleonora Franceschi, who is involved in the ZSK-associated project "CUT - Influence of trees on the urban climate in climate change".
The feature is available online. (In German language.)
Newspaper article on the benefits of green infrastructure
"Defying climate change with grass and trees - research proves the potential of green infrastructure in cities". This is the headline of an article in the Merkur weekend edition of 28/29 May 2022.
In the interview, Prof. Stephan Pauleit reports on results from subproject 6. You can read the whole article (in German) by clicking on the image on the right of the article. Enjoy!
BR radio and TV feature "With natural air conditioning against heat stress in the city"
On 09.06.2022, the subproject 6 "Würzburg Climate Experience" was presented by BR24. Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer (TUM) and Christian Hartmann (University of Würzburg) also had their say in the TV and radio report.
We are pleased that the research results are being picked up by the media and are thus getting attention at the beginning of the hot summer!
The TV report can be watched <<< here >>> , the radio report can be found directly below this article (both reports are in German).
New Subproject started: "Climate Biomonitoring with Lichens in Bavaria"
We are delighted to welcome the new subproject 15 "Climate Biomonitoring with Lichens in Bavaria" at the ZSK. The project starts in January under the leadership of Dr. Jutta Köhler (Bayerisches Landsamt für Umwelt).
We wish great success!
New ZSK guideline published: " Guideline on urban trees in Bavaria".
Trees are a distinctive component of urban green spaces. The guideline on urban trees in Bavaria provides important, practice-oriented information for the sustainable and climate-resilient development of urban tree populations in Bavarian cities.
The ecosystem services of the trees, e.g. carbon storage or cooling effect through shading and evaporation, are presented for different tree species according to age classes. The influence of soil type, increasing soil sealing and light consumption on tree growth and the ecosystem services of trees are also shown for the four tree species. Of particular importance is a modelling of growth and ecosystem services for future climate conditions in Bavaria and at the city level, which in part shows a significant change in the ecosystem services provided and growth.
For urban tree stands, the guideline can be used to derive their ecosystem services from the tree age or easily ascertainable characteristics such as the trunk diameter and height of the tree. For the planning of new tree plantations, the expected growth and ecosystem services of the trees can be estimated. The guideline also provides recommendations for the future development of urban tree stands.
Here you can download the guideline!
Here you find the digital Appendix to the guideline!
Print versions of the guideline can be ordered from mid-November at the ZSK (see Contact).
ZSK Symposium "Green Climate Architecture" successfully held
On September 22, 2021, the ZSK symposium "Green Climate Architecture: Designing Bavarian Cities for Climate Resilience" was held with keynote speeches, roundtable discussions and workshops on current topics related to the green, climate-adapted city of tomorrow. Thank you for your active participation and contribution!
Please find here the presentations for Download (40.3 Mb).
Here you also find recent publications of the ZSK for Download (56.3 Mb).
You can give us feedback about the Symposium: We are looking forward to it!
ZSK-Symposium "Green Climate Architecture" on September 22, 2021
Climate change and increasingly dense development are having a noticeable impact on the quality of life in cities. In 14 sub-projects, the Center for Urban Nature and Climate Adaptation (ZSK) - funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection - is investigating how climate change adaptation can be linked to sustainable and green urban planning. Researchers at universities, colleges and institutions in Bavaria are working intensively on design options for buildings and open spaces, the ecosystem services of urban greenery, novel planting techniques and infiltration swales, and the preservation of biodiversity in the city. On these current topics around the sustainable and climate-adapted city of tomorrow, the digital symposium "Green Climate Architecture - Designing Bavarian Cities to be Climate Resilient" will take place on September 22, 2021. The research topics of the ZSK will be presented and discussed together with impulses from practice partners. Afterwards, four case studies around climate adaptation, urban greening and sustainable building will take place in parallel workshops. We cordially invite you to learn about the projects of the ZSK and current developments around the green, climate resilient city of tomorrow and to discuss with us.
The programm of the Symposium Green Climate Architecture can be found here for downlad (in German).
You can register for the symposium and workshops at the following link and at
TV report "Heat trap city - When it gets tropical" on 22.08. with Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig from SP9
On 22.08.2021, 16:30 o'clock the contribution "Hitzefalle Stadt - Wenn es tropisch wird" can be seen on ZDF. It will highlight ZSK topics such as climate change and the heat island effect and their effects in cities. Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig, project leader of SP9 - KlimaKübelBäume, is one of the participants. The research of the ZSK has its finger on the pulse!
11th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering
The 11th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering will take place on July 28 and 29, 2021. Representatives of SP11 - Redensification in the Context of Climate Change will present current research results of the project.
Link to the colloquium:
ZSK at the Online Congress "Constructing Our Future"
On July 27, 2021, the VBW Bayern digital online congress „Constructing Our Future“ digital statt. will take place. The ZSK will be represented with several subprojects, including the projects SP8 - Colorful Ribbons, SP10 - Services of Urban Green, SP11 - Redensification and SP13 - Accompanying Research.
More information about the congress on the homepage of VWB Bayern.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer on 11.05.2021 on urban trees and ecosystem services
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer (SP6 - KEW, SP10 - Ecosystem Services of Urban Green) will give a lecture on "Growth and Ecosystem Services of Urban Trees" at the Bund der Deutschen Landschaftsarchitekten bdla on May 11, 2021 at 6 pm. Here more information about the lecture and details for registration can be found.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig on Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture on 06.05.2021
Prof. Ferdinand Ludwig (SP9 ClimateContainerTrees) invites on Thursday, 06.05.21 to his university-public online lecture in the context of the so-called "Assesment Center" after the fourth year of the tenure-track procedure. Prof. Ludwig will give insights into his previous research and teaching activities at TUM as well as an outlook on the coming years.
Since March 2017, Ferdinand Ludwig has been a tenure-track assistant professor for "Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture" at TU München.
Based on methods and findings from the subject area of construction botany, the research and teaching of the professorship is guided by the guideline of using biological processes and structures to develop innovative technical solutions, new open-space architectural typologies and design approaches, and to investigate their spatial-aesthetic impact and technical performance. Thus, the professorship bridges the gap between empirical research in the natural or engineering sciences and the design disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning.
06.05.2021, 09:00
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 621 6918 1216
ID code: 618672
Event note: Wastewater engineering seminar "Stormwater management in times of climate change" on 14.07.2021
TU Munich is hosting the 48th Wastewater Engineering Seminar "Stormwater Management in Times of Climate Change" on July 14, 2021. The event will be conducted purely digitally.
Registrations are possible at until June 30, 2021. Further information can be found in the flyer (in German).
Guest article by Dominik Zylla - Winter watering of old trees - preserving valuable tree stock in times of drought
Whereas in earlier years winter precipitation was sufficient to compensate for summer soil dryness, trees are currently under acute drought stress all year round. For some time now, it has been the valuable old-growth trees in particular that have been suffering. In Würzburg alone, 442 trees currently have to be felled due to drought, ten times more than in normal years (see Mainpost of 12.11.2020).
Under the keyword "winter watering", I advocate additional watering of large trees during the vegetation-free period to prevent summer drought stress. I base this on already collected, very positive experiences.
The reasoning is obvious:
Since the drought summer of 2018, the soils have dried out to great depths. The precipitation of the past two winters could not change this. At the same time, the groundwater level is falling in many regions. As a result, deep-rooted old trees in particular are often literally dry from the beginning of May. (cf. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research: Drought Monitor Germany, 2020).
However, two to three strong waterings during the cold season can cause the soil to be soaked to great depths. This replaces the lack of winter precipitation, and the soil acts as a kind of buffer from which trees (especially old trees) can draw until late in the summer.
The chronic dryness of the deep soil layers is likely to have a particularly fatal effect on root development. Trees tend to shed roots that are not needed. The deep roots of large, old trees in particular may lose important substance as a result of the ongoing drought.
Appropriate pilot projects, as well as an accompanying scientific study, could shed more light on this.
Under normal conditions, the deep-reaching roots of old trees and the moisture from winter precipitation in the deep layers of the earth provide a kind of life insurance in times of drought. Since 2018, this safety buffer has been missing. However, it can be returned to the trees through the winter watering strategy.
Focus on the preservation of the existing tree population means in concrete terms: intensive winter watering instead of drought-induced large tree felling, new plantings, young tree care.
I am convinced that no village lime tree has to die and no shady street tree has to dry out if watering is done courageously with collected precipitation during the winter months.
Dominik Zylla, Rimpar 2021
"One tree performs more than 200 refrigerators"
An article on the research topics of the ZSK appeared in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on January 31. Thus, the head of the ZSK, Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit, explains the value of urban trees for a pleasant urban climate using the example of Munich. The link to the article "One tree performs more than 200 refrigerators" can be found here (in German).
Future Sponge City - StMUV podcast with ZSK director Prof. Pauleit and TP leader Prof. Helmreich
In an exciting podcast episode of the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, the head of the ZSK, Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit and TP12 & TP13 project leader Prof. Dr. Brigitte Helmeich talk about climate adaptation in the city. Here is the link to the podcast "Future sponge city - how we can live with weather extremes" (in German).
Approval of the new ZSK project "Accompanying research "Climate-friendly construction - model project""
We are pleased to announce that a new project will be part of the ZSK from January 2021 - the subproject 12 "Accompanying research "Climate-friendly construction - model project"". You will find information about the new project on our site shortly.
The project will start on Thursday, February 11, 2021 with a digital kick-off event.
We wish the project team much success and an exciting time at the ZSK!
New subproject started: "Animal Aided Design III - Monitoring and Evaluation"
We are pleased to welcome the new subproject 11 "Animal Aided Design III - Monitoring and Evaluation" at the ZSK. The project starts in January as a continuation of the completed SP 2 "Application of the Animal-Aided Design Method". We wish good luck!
"Colorful Ribbons": Project receives award as UN Decade of Biological Diversity project
Great joy for the SP8 team and the ZSK:
The joint project "Colorful Ribbons" with GreenCity shows how our cities can become greener, more colorful and more climate-resilient. In December, the project was recognized as an "official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity".
In Germany, the UN Decade honors projects and contributions that are particularly committed to the conservation, sustainable use and communication of biological diversity. This year, the project "Colorful Ribbons" can be pleased, it contributes in an exemplary way to the preservation of biological diversity. The UN Decade Office justifies: "An award is recommended by the jury because 'Blühenden Bänder' promotes the conservation of biodiversity in urban areas and mobilizes citizens of a major city to engage in biodiversity and urban climate adaptation with green infrastructures and urban nature". The conversion of unused land for insect conservation was particularly exemplary in this regard, he said. What high praise!
New Subproject 13 Started: "Multifunctional Infiltration Throughs in Urban Areas"
We are very pleased to welcome the new SP13 "Multifunctional infiltration throughs in urban areas" at the ZSK. We wish a successful project start!
Glauber: More quality of life in the city through climate-adapted construction - Press release of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection on the subproject 1 guideline published
In press release no. 76/20, Bavaria's Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber talks about the recently revised ZSK-TP1 guide "Climate Protection and Green Infrastructure in the City". It highlights the importance of green and blue infrastructure in the city, especially with regard to climate change and living conditions in cities.
The link to the press release of the StMUV can be found here.
Guideline about ZSK subproject 1: "Climate protection and green infrastructure in cities" published in english language
The guideline to the project closure of subproject 1: Climate protection and green infrastructure in the city was published in english language.
The english guideline can be downloaded here in a compressed version.
The english guideline in high quality is available on request -> see contact.
Guideline to ZSK subproject 1: Climate protection and green infrastructure in cities updated
The guideline to the project finish of subproject 1: Climate protection and green infrastructure in cities has been published in a new edition.
The new edition can be downloaded here in a compressed version (in German).
The guideline in high resolution is availabe on request -> see contact.
Field Trip: Signal language of plants
Within ZSK subproject 7 "Colorful Ribbons" Dr. Thassilo Franke (Biotopia Naturkundemuseum) will give on 29th April an interactive tour to the Botanical Garden with fascinating insights to the signal language of plants.
-> More information on the event and registration information
Symposium "Green Climate Architecture" cancelled
We are sorry to anounce that due to recent developments, StM Thorsten Glauber cancelled the planned symposium "Green Climate Architecture" (23. and 24. March in Munich) because of possible danger by "Corona". We thank you for the positive responses and apologize for inconveniences which may arise. We will inform you about a possible new date.
ZSK symposium on 23rd and 24th March 2020 in Munich
The issues of the sustainable and climate adaptated city of tomorrow will be discussed at the ZSK symposium "Green Climate Architecture - Design Bavarian Cities Climate resilient" on 23rd and 24th March 2020 in Munich. The research topics of the ZSK will be presented and discussed together with recent practical examples. Challenges will be addressed and solutions for a climate fit city of tomorrow will be illustrated.
Further information will follow.
Talk by Prof. Regine Keller at the exhibition #mitmünchnern - Jetzt ist Zukunft
On Tuesday, 18th Februrary 2020 Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Regine Keller of ZSK subproject 4 100Places:M gave a talk (title: Reconquest of open areas - Rückeroberung der Freiräume) at the yearly exhibition #mitmünchnern. Issue of the event was: What have historic city development, climate change and changing mobility in common? The consequences of climate change for open areas and adaption as well as design possibilities were discussed. Prof. Dr.(I) Elisabeth Merk (Head of the Municipal Planning and Building Control Office), Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Regine Keller (Technical University of Munich, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space), Dr. Christine Rädlinger (Historian) Franz Schiermeier (Franz Schiermeier Publisher), Dieter Grau (Chief Executive Partner Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl) took part.
Kick-off event of the ZSK associated project CUT from 21.01. to 23.01.2020
On 21st to 23rd January 2020 the kick-off event of the ZSK associated project "CUT - Influence of Trees on the City Climate during Climate Change" was held at the chair of forest growth and yield science in Freising. Researchers of ZSK and TUM participated as well as members of the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center (DSASC Israel) and other partners of the Near East (Jordan and Palestine).
Kick-off event of the new ZSK subproject 10: Redensification in the context of climate change
On 15th January 2020 an internal kick-off meeting of all project members of the new ZSK subproject 10 "Redensification in the context of climate change" took place. We wish a successful project start!
Talk about wild bees
Within the ZSK subproject 7 "Colorful ribbons" on 16th December 2019 a talk about wild bees was given in Munich.
Workshop for nest aid construction
The ZSK subproject 7 "Colorful Ribbons" organized together with GreenCity e.V on 24. November 2019 a workshop about constructing nest aids. Moreover information on different forms of nest aids of wild bees and support were provided.
Subproject 6 "Wuerzburg Climate Experience" - Talk about the project at the AK Climate in Jesteburg
Christian Hartmann and Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth participated at the AK Climate at the University of Hamburg in Jesteburg and gave a talk on 25th October 2019 on the project Wuerzburg Climate Experience (title: "Wuerzburg Climate Experience - Experience City Climate").
Article "Cool by green infrastructure" published
Several members of the ZSK published the article "Cool by green infrastructure - The potentials of urban green for climate adaptation" in the journal Transforming Cities, volume 3|2019. Here the link to the webpage of the journal Transforming Cities.
TV report "Save Biodiversty! – New Tree Species Needs the Country in Unterfranken" with Dr. Susanne Böll und Dr. Dieter Mahsberg
At the TV programm BR on 30.09.2019 during the program "Experience Bavaria" a report to the topic "Save Biodiversity" was broadcasted. The ZSK project leaders of Subproject 5 - Preliminary Study: Non-resident and Native Urban Tree Species Dr. Susanne Böll and Dr. Dieter Mahsberg talked about the topic "New Tree Species for the Country in Unterfranken" and their research work.
ZSK members at the IUFRO 2019
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer and Dr. Mohammad Rahman presented their research and the ZSK at the 25. IUFRO World Congress (29.09. to 05.10.2019 in Curitiba, Brazil). Title of the talks:
- Thomas Rötzer - Quantifying growth and ecosystem services of urban trees under present and future climate conditions
- Mohammad Rahman - Designing green public squares with suitable tree species for optimum ecosystem services
Book "Growth and Ecosystem Services of Urban Trees" by the journal Forests with publications of ZSK subprojects published
The scientific journal Forests published a book based on the special issue "Growth and Ecosystem Services of Urban Trees". Within this special issue and book, several articles of the subproject 3 "City Trees II" were released. Editor was the subproject 3 project responsible Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer. Information about the book and the content of the special issue can be found on the homepage of the journal Forests "Growth and Ecosystem Services of Urban Trees", Printed Edition of the Special Issue and here with the information sheet about the Special Issue.
Article „The species rich penthouse in the forest“ (subproject 5) in Naturwald Magazin
At the Naturwald Akademie on 17th September 2019 the article "The species rich penthouse in the forest (in German: Das Artenreiche Penthouse im Wald)" was published. The article informs about the research issues of the ZSK subproject 5 "Preliminary Study: Non-resident and Native Urban Climate Tree Species" - the species diversity in the crown of urban trees.
ZSK presents at the 3. Conference for Sustanability on 24.09.2019 in Fürth
Together with the Center for Sustainable Development of Municipalities in Bavaria the ZSK organizes the forum "Climate adaptation and green infrastructures in cities" at the 3. Conference of Sustainability on 24. September 2019 in Fürth. There will be talks and discussion with experts and representatives of the ZSK such as Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Regine Keller (subproject 4), Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer (subproject 3 and 6), Dr. Susanne Böll, Dr. Dieter Mahsberg (both subproject 5) and Dr. Astrid Reischl (coordination).
The homepage of the conference (in German):
The program of the conference (in German): Invitation and Program (2.1 Mb)
Talk by Prof. Pauleit at the German Congress for Geography
The leader of the ZSK and of several subprojects, Prof. Dr. Pauleit held on 26th September 2019 at the German Congress for Geography in Kiel a talk on the topic "Talking trees: Measuring, modelling and communicating the urban forest’s ecosystem services".
ZSK leader Prof. Dr. Pauleit attended an experts workshop of the German Adaptation Strategy
On 25th September 2019 the experts workshop "Vegetation in Settlements" for the climate consequences and vulnerability analysis 2021 of the German Adaptation Strategy by adelphi Berlin took place. Prof. Dr. Pauleit participated for the ZSK.
Wild bees field trip with subproject 7
Within the ZSK subproject 7 "Colorful ribbons" on 22nd July 2019 a wild bees field trip with Dr. Fleischmann (Botanical Garden Munich) in Aubing (track installations) was held.
Talk by Dr. Susanne Böll at the Open House Day of the Bavarian Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture on 07.07.2019
Dr. Susanne Böll of subproject 5 "Preliminary Study: Non-Resident and Native Urban Tree Species" will give a talk on the topic "Insect diversity in the crowns of urban trees (in German)" at the Open House Day of the Bavarian Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture in Veitshöchheim on 07.07.2019. The programm can be downloaded here (in German, 0.8 Mb).
Talk by Dr. Astrid Reischl and Dr. Mohammad Rahman at the workshop "Irrigation in rural and urban areas"
On 02nd July 2019, Dr. Astrid Reischl and Dr. Mohammad Rahman gave a talk at the ad hoc-Workshop "Irrigation in rural and urban areas - Bewässerung in ländlichen und urbanen Räumen (in German)" of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study in Garching. The topic of the talk was "Dealing with drought in urban areas - Umgang mit Trockenheit in urbanen Räumen (in German)" and results of subproject 1 "Mitigation and Green Infrastructure" and 3 "City Trees II" were presented and discussed.
Radioreport of Prof. Heiko Paeth at BR
On 26.06.2019 Prof. Heiko Paeth of ZSK subproject 6 "Climate Experience Wuerzburg" talked about the research work and research in Wuerzburg. The report "Würzburger Forscher rechnet mit "Barcelona-Klima" im Maintal (in German)" can be found here.
Talk by Dr. Susanne Böll on 26.06.2019 at the seminar "Biodiversity in gardens - creation of habitats for animals"
Dr. Susanne Böll presented on 26th June 2019 in Veitshöchheim the results of ZSK subproject 5 "Preliminary Study: Climate Adaptation in Bavarian Cities - Comparative Investigation on the Use of Non-Resident and Native Urban Tree Species". With her talk "Insect diversity in the crowns of urban trees (in German)" she illustrated the attendees of the seminar "Biodiversity in gardens - creation of habitats for animals" the research of the subproject.
Talk by Dr. Astrid Reischl at the Munich Re Foundation
Dr. Astrid Reischl of the ZSK gave on 05.06.2019 a talk at the project week of students of the twoche von Studierenden der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg on the topic "Mitigation and Adaptation in the context of Climate Change". The topic of sustainable city planning in view of climate change including urban green and fauna attracted wide interest of the students.
Kick-off event Colorful Ribbons
On 27th Mai 2019 the kick-off event of the ZSK subproject 7 "Colorful Ribbons" took place at GreenCity in Munich. Information on the project were provided and presentations shown.
Talk by Prof. Keller of ZSK-subproject 4 at the Northeast-Panel
On 30 April 2019 Prof. Keller of subproject 4 "100Places:M" gave a talk at the Northeast-Panel in Munich. The panel brings together politics, city inhabitants and research. Diverse topics about city development, urban green, biodiversity and urban climate are discussed.
Successfull Workshop of Subproject 4 about the Topic "Esthetic of Urban Metabolisms"
On 11th and 12th April 2019 the subproject 4 of ZSK "100Places:M" held a successful workshop about the topic "esthetic of urban metabolisms". Several participants of architecture/design, anthropology/sociology, ecology/biology, NGO's/practice and authorities/planning contributed to a diverse communication and discussions.
Results of subproject 5 "Preliminary Study: Non-resident and Native Urban Tree Species" published
The results of subproject 5 "Preliminary Study: Non-resident and Native Urban Tree Species" has been released at the webpage of the Bavarian Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture Veitshöchheim. Here is the link to the page "Urban climate trees - suitable habitats for the urban insect diversity?" (in German).
The published article "Urban climate trees - suitable habitats for the urban insect diversity?" by Dr. Susanne Böll, Rosa Albrecht and Dr. Dieter Mahsberg released by the Bavarian Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture kann be downloaded here (in German):
The journal Natur also published results of the subproject in its May edition with the article "New trees for the city" by Hartmut Netz. The link to the content of the May edition of Natur - Habitat city can be found here.
Association of German Cities publishes guidline "Adaptation to climate change in cities"
The Association of German Cities has voted at the main panel on February 20th 2019 on the recommendation "Adaptation to climate change in cities - Claims, notes and impulses".
The document can be downloaded here (in German): "Anpassung an den Klimawandel in den Städten" (0.14 Mb)
Publication and Talk about the Results of Subproject 5
Dr. Susanne Böll of the Bavarian Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture Veitshöchheim gave on 14th March 2019 at the Dresdner StadtBaumtage (Urban Tree Days Dresden) a talk about the results of ZSK subproject 5 Preliminary Study: Climate Adaptation in Bavarian Cities - Comparative Investigation on the Use of Non-Resident and Native Urban Tree Species.
The results of subproject 5 were also published in the Forstwissenschaftliche Beiträge Tharadt, Beiheft 21 of the University Dresden. The article "Insektenvielfalt in den Kronen heimischer und nicht-heimischer Stadtbaumarten" by Susanne Böll, Rosa Albrech und Dieter Mahsberg can be found here (in German).
Insektenvielfalt in den Kronen heimischer und nicht-heimischer Stadtbaumarten (5 Mb).
Lecture by Dr. Susanne Böll at the 51. Landespflegetage
Dr. Susanne Böll attended the 51. Landespflegetage in Veitshöchheim from 22. to 23. January and gave a lecture on "Urban climate trees - Suitable Habitats for Urban Insects?". Thereby she presented the work of the project "Urban Green 2021" and of the ZSK subproject 5.
Press release of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation on Animal-Aided Design
In a press release on 16th January 2019 the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) reported about the ZSK subproject 2 method Animal-Aided Design (in German).
Animal-Aided Design in journal "NATURSCHUTZ und Landschaftsplanung"
The article "Grüne Infrastruktur: An der Praxis fehlt es - Die Landschaftsplanung könnte es" (no 51/01 - 2019, in German) of the journal Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung talks about the ZSK subproject 2 Animal-Aided Design.
Article about the research of TP4: 100Places:M and organized conference in Garten + Landschaft
In December an article (1 Mb) about the ZSK subproject 4 100Places:M and their conference "Designing Urban Natures-Cultures" was released in the journal Garten + Landschaft.
Lecture from Dr. Dieter Mahsberg at the 8th Symposium for Urban Green
On the 14th of November Dr. Dieter Mahsberg (subproject 5: Preliminary Study: Non-resident and Native Urban Climate Species) gave a lecture at the 8th Symposium for Urban Green 2018 in Berlin, organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The lecture, entitled "Urban trees as habitat—are native trees more species rich?“ met with much interest from the audience.
Subproject 4 Conference on 11-12th October 2018 in Munich
The conference was organised by subproject 4 (100 Places:M) of the ZSK at the Weihenstephaner Forum at the Technical University of Munich. MDgtin Dr. Monika Kratzer from the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection provided opening remarks. Key notes from Prof. Undine Giseke (TU Berlin), Prof. Cordula Kropp (Uni Stuttgart) and Silvia Gonzalez (GreenCity e.V., München) along with podium discussions with interdisciplinary researchers provided for exciting exchanges. Videos and photos from the conference can be found at the following link Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space.
ZSK action week at the State Horticulture Show in Würzburg
The ZSK was from 29.09 to 07.10.2018 present at the action week of the State Horticulture Show in Würzburg. The project leaders presented the work of the ZSK and anwered questions regarding the ZSK and its subprojects.
The posters of the subprojects (in German) can be downloaded here:
Prof. Werner Lang at the Opening of the Bavarian Climate Week 2018
Bavarian State Minister of the Environment and Consumer Protection Dr. Marcel Huber will open the Bavarian Climate Week 2018 this Saturday, the 8th of September starting at 5pm. A podium discussion on urban ecology and climate adaptation will follow, featuring the minister along with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang (subproject 1: Mitigation and Urban Green Infrastructure), Stephanie Jacobs (Head of Health and Environment, City of Munich), and Manuel Schaumann (Director of the Streetlife Festival). More information about the event as part of the Bavarian Climate Week 2018 can be found in person at the Streetlife Festival on the 8th and 9th of September or here.
Article about subproject 6 work in the Handelsblatt
An article came out on the 5th of September, 2018 in the Handelsblatt showcasing some of the work of subproject 6 (Climate Experience Würzburg). The article, entitled "Only more green can aid against urban heat stress" (trans. from German), can be found here.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit at the State Garden Exhibition in Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit attended the event "The future is urban green! Perspectives for climate-safe and green cities in the context of urban regeneration" at the State Garden Show in Würzburg to give a lecture on "Climate protection and green infrastructure in the city - strategies for climate-safe and green cities." The event was organized by the Institute for Urban Planning and Housing in cooperation with bdla Bavaria.
Article about subproject 3 in the Münchner Merkur
An article appeared in the August 9th, 2018 edition of the Münchner Merkur highlighting some of the work of subproject 3: City Trees II: Urban Trees under Climate Change. The article, entitled "Munich's Tropical Future" (Münchens tropische Zukunft) spoke to the dilemma the city faces with rapid growth and loss of trees in the face of climate change.
TV segment featuring subproject 6 (Climate Experience Würzburg) work on BR-Rundschau
A 2-minute long TV segment on summer heat waves, the consequences for urban trees, and the work of subproject 6 was released on BR-Rundschau on the 5th of August, 2018.
Newspaper article about ZSK subproject 5 (Preliminary Study: Non-resident and Native Urban Tree Species") in the Main Post
An article about the work of TP5 (Preliminary Study: Climate Adaptation in Bavarian Cities - Comparative Investigation on the Use of Non-Resident and Native Urban Tree Species) came out in the Main Post on the 28th of July 2018. (Article, 260 KB)
Interview with Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit on WDR
Subproject 1 and ZSK lead Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit was interviewed by Marcus Schwandner from WDR on the 4th of July, 2018 about "Healthy microclimates - cities need green spaces". The interview can be found on WDR 5 „Quarks – Wissenschaft und mehr“, under the themes „Landflucht – Agoraphobie – Schmetterlinge – Stadtklima“, between 48:53 and 54:41.
Collaboration meeting between colleagues from Switzerland and subproject 5
Employees of the Swiss SWILD (Office for Urban Ecology, Wildlife Research and Communication, Zurich) and Dr. Ing. Sandra Gloorn met with colleagues from subproject 5 on the 25-26th of June, 2018 for a possible collaboration. A comparative study is being planned.
Successful workshop: Presentation of subproject 5 results to specialists in various fields
Dr. Susanne Böll and Prof. Dr. Dieter Mahsberg (subproject 5) organized a workshop on the 22nd of June, 2018 at the LWG Veitshöchheim around the theme "City trees as habitats- are native tree species " „Stadtbäume als Lebensraum –are native tree species more species-rich than trees from southeast European urban climates?". There were 29 experts from various disciplines (landscape architects, apicultural experts, biologists, nursery managers and staff, green space administrators, nature conservation associations [BUND], consultants' offices, etc.). Interest in the results was high and a lively discussion took place.
Presentation from Dr. Susanne Böll at ANL Event
On Wednesday the 13th of June 2018, Dr. Susanne Böll (TP 5: Preliminary Study: Climate Adaptation in Bavarian Cities - Comparative Investigation on the Use of Non-Resident and Native Urban Tree Species) presented results of the subproject at a training event of the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL). The title of the talk was “Project ‘City Green 2021’ – Test Sites, Bus Excursion”. The ANL event focused on “Gardens in a Time of Climate Change”, and was held at the Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture in Veitshöchheim.
Press release in TUM News about subproject 1 guide
An article about TP 1's "Guidelines for climate-oriented municipalities in Bavaria” was published in the TUM News on the 12th of June, 2018. The article, entitled, "Urban planning: Green spaces for a better climate," can be found here.
Article about subproject 3 ("City Trees II") appears in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
On May 24th, an article appeared in the Süddeutsche Zeitung’s ‘München forscht’ series on the work of subproject 3 - City Trees II: Urban Trees under Climate Change. The article, “Grüne Klimaanlage” (Green Air-conditioner), provides insight into the research results, such as the special ability of Robinia (locust tree) to provide cooling effects.
Press event in Würzburg to the launch of the homepage of subproject 6: Climate Experience Würzburg
On 23rd of April 2018 in Würzburg representatives of the press, of subproject 6: climate experience Würzburg, of the city of Würzburg and of the Bavarian State Mininistry of the Environment and Consumer Protection came together to present the launch of the website for the first time to the public.
The website of subproject 6 shows live the current data of the different research stations. Hereby data on the climate on Würzburg at the different research stations and on the growth and ecosystem services of the studied trees can be seen.
More information can be found at:
Successful opening of the state horticultural show Wuerzburg (12nd April to 07th October 2018) with ZSK subproject 6
On Thursday, 12th April 2018 the state horticultural show 2018 in Würzburg was officially opened by Minister-President Markus Söder. Present were also team members of the subproject 6: climate experience Wuerzburg, to represent the project and the ZSK.
Members of the subproject 6 could explain the project "Climate Experience Würzburg" to Minister of the State Dr. Marcel Huber.
We are looking forward to a successful horticultural show!
More information are available under and
Subproject 2: AAD - Exhibition IngolStadtNatur
As part of subproject 2: Animal Aided Design an exhibition and presentation will take place in Ingolstadt, Architekturforum, Donaustraße 10. Topic of the exhibition will be "IngolStadtNatur - Animal-Aided Design for the urban park Danube in Ingolstadt". Designs of the students of the University Kassel and the Technical University Munich will be displayed.
Opening: 02. March 2018, 5 pm
Opening times of the exhibition:
Fri. 02.03. 5-8 pm, Sat 03.03. and Sun 04.03. 2-6 pm
Fri. 09.03. 6-8 pm, Sat 10.03. and Sun 11.03. 2-6 pm
Fri. 16.03. 6-8 pm, Sat 17.03. and Sun 18.03. 2-6 pm
The project team would be pleased to welcome you at the exhibition!
Talk by Prof. Regine Keller "Designing Urban Natures"
On Wednesday, 31.01.2018 Prof. Regine Keller (subproject 4: 100Places:M) attended the event "Female Architects" in Frankfurt am Main and held a talk about the topic "Designing Urban Natures".
Oral Presentation of Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit in Stockholm, Sweden
The leader of the ZSK, Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit gave an oral presentation about the topic "Green infrastructure for climate resilient cities; Potentials and planning strategies" at the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Stockholm on December, 1st 2017. The presentation was held at the seminar "Global Urban Sustainability and Justice".
Participation of the ZSK at the 9th BIOMET-Conference
Several members of the ZSK attended the 9th Conference of the Expert Committee Biometerology of the German Meteorological Society from 28. November to 30. November 2017 in the city of Stralsund and presented their research results with oral presentations.
Titles of the Presentations:
- Mohammad A. Rahman: Microclimatic thermal benefits through urban greenspaces – Role of tree species and growth conditions
- Laura Stratopoulos: Klimaregulierende Leistungen – welche Rolle spielt das Ursprungshabitat?
- Teresa Zölch: Jahreszeitliche Unterschiede im Blattflächenindex von Stadtbäumen - als Grundlage zur Bewertung ihrer klimaregulierenden Leistungen
- Thomas Rötzer: Wachstum und Umweltleistungen von Stadtbäumen unter veränderten Klimaverhältnissen – eine Simulationsstudie für süddeutsche Großstädte
- Astrid Moser: Einfluss des Standortklimas auf den Wachstumsverlauf von Linde und Robinie in München
Participation of the ZSK at the 17th "Münchner Wissenschaftstagen" from 25. - 28. November 2017
The ZSK was present at the Münchner Wissenschaftstagen 2017 from 25th to 28th November 2017 with a booth.
The posters of the subprojects can be found here for downloading (in German language):
TP1: Mitigation and Green Infrastructure (8.5 MB)
TP2: Application of the Animal-Aided Design Method (1.7 MB)
TP5: Preliminary Study: Non-resident and native urban tree species (2.7 MB)
Successful Workshop: CFP: Circling the Square: Re-designing nature-cultures in a changing urban climate of subproject 4 from 23. - 24.11.2017
Urban planners, architects and designers are increasingly confronted with highly complex socio-ecological dynamics and challenges. These do not just involve new levels of vulnerability caused by heat island effect and anthropogenic climate change. Cities have also become refugiums for many species which flee habitat loss, agrochemicals and monoculture deserts, while globalized "invasive" species are showing the limits of techno-scientific control in more and more frequently destabilizing urban green infrastructures. Public squares and parks play a central role in current efforts to meet these socio-ecological challenges. However, our imaginations of what squares should be, our analytical models of their uses and functions, are still profoundly anchored in modern conceptions and divides between nature and culture, the technical and the social, the urban and the rural, the public and the private: technological infrastructures are to be held invisible, "nature" has to be ornamental and provide ecological services, public life should not be dirtied with traces of productive activities, etc.
To adress the mentioned topics subproject 4: 100Places:M organized from 23. to 24. November 2017 an international conference with the title "CFP: Circling the Square: Re-designing nature-cultures in a changing urban climate".
Successful press meeting of subproject 6: Climate Experience Würzburg
On Wednesday, 15th November 2017 the mayor of Würzburg Christian Schuchardt officially started the field campaign of the ZSK subproject "Climate Experience Würzburg". In future at seven stations across the city area of Würzburg the site climate will be measured, together with the growth and services of urban trees. To the beginning of the state horticultural show 2018 the research findings can be shown live and what influence urban trees can have on their environment and humans as well as vice versa, what influences the growth of urban trees.
Further press releases can be found here:,5058305
The leader of the ZSK, Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit talks about the issue "Sustainability"
At the IAKS Conference "Sustainability and innovations of sport areas and rooms" in Cologne on November, 11th 2017 Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit presented the work of the ZSK with an oral presentation. Topic of the talk: Sustainability needs innovative planning - green infrastructures for health and sportive activities.
Conference "Municipal Climate Protection - Ceremonial Act and Congress" - Talk by Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit
At the "Municipal Climate Protection - Ceremonial Act and Congress" of the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection BayStMUV on November, 6th 2017 in Munich the leader of the ZSK Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit presented the center with a talk about the topic "Municipal Climate Adaptation by Green Infrastructure?".
Presentation of Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit at the BUND Naturschutz Munich
Green in the city - Which role plays it for the city climate? How can urban green infrastructures perform under climate change?
On 19th October 2017 Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit, the leader of the ZSK, attended the meeting of the "BUND Naturschutz" and the "Umwelt-Akademie" in Munich. Here Prof. Dr. Pauleit presented recent research results of the ZSK and participated at a panel discussion.
The ZSK at the Environment Senate of the city Landshut
On October 11th 2017 Julia Brasche and Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit represented the ZSK with a talk about the topic "Climate Protection and Green Infrastructure in the City" at the Environment Senate of the city of Landshut.
Presentation of subproject 3 at the "Kommunalen Baumpflegegruppe Franken"
Dr. Astrid Reischl née Moser attended the meeting of the "Kommunalen Baumpflegegruppe Franken" on September, 20th 2017 in Bayreuth and gave a oral presentation about the topic "Recent projects in urban forestry research".
Participation of the ZSK at the IALE-Congress in Gent
Several members of the ZSK attended the IALE 2017 European Congress on September, 15th 2017 in Gent. Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit gave a talk about the topic "A strategic approach for climate change adaptation via urban green infrastructure at neighbourhood scale" gehalten.
Talk of Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit at the Planning Association Outer Economic Zone
On September, 6th 2017 Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit gave an oral presentation ("Climate Protection and Green Infrastructure") at the Planning Association Outer Economic Zone in Munich.
Two press releases about subproject 5
In the magazine Galabau, no. 8/9 an article was released to ZSK subproject 5: Preliminary Study: Climate Adaptation in Bavarian Cities - Comparative Investigation on the Use of Non-Resident and Native Urban Tree Species (article, 5.8 MB).
Another article about subproject 5 was released in the Taspo Baumzeitung no 4/17 (article, 2.7 MB).
Symposium Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation
What measures are necessary to make a city "green" and sustainable?
On May, 15th 2017 numerous scientists, planners, local authorities and stakeholders came together to the Vorhoelzer Forum of the faculty for architecture fot the symposium of the Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation to discuss about this overall question.
The research issues of each subproject together with the partner city Würzburg were presented with oral presentations and posters (in german language):
TP1 - Klimaschutz und grüne Infrastruktur in der Stadt (12.5 MB)
TP2 - Anwendung der Methode Animal-Aided Design (1.8 MB)
TP3 - City Trees II - Stadtbäume im Klimawandel (2.4 MB)
TP5 - Vorstudie - Gebietsfremde und heimische Stadtklimabäume (0.9 MB)
Stadt Würzburg - Institutionalisierung von Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in Würzburg (0.9 MB)
Participation at the Meeting of the Arboricultural Branch in Augsburg from 25. - 27. April 2017
At the current symposium the focus was also on trees under climate change. Several colleges from the TU Munich and the University of Applied Science Weihenstephan-Triesdorf were invited to present their research activies within the framework of drought resistance of urban trees. Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit, Dr. Astrid Moser and Teresa Zölch talked about their work of the ZSK subprojects 1 and 3.
COST FP1204 - Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities - 4. - 7. April 2017
At the conference "Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities" within the COST action FP 1204 GreenInUrbs, Stephan Pauleit, Astrid Moser and Teresa Zölch presented their research results of the ZSK subprojects 1 and 3. The conference took place from 4th to 7th of April 2017 in Orvieto, Italy. The focus of the conference were transdisciplinary apporaches and the maximization of ecosystem services to build sustainable and resilient cities of the future.
Symposium species conservation at housings, Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management
At the symposium "Species Conservation at Housings" on 23rd September 2016 in Augsburg the ZSK subproject 2 Animal-Aided Design was presented by Dr. Thomas Hauck.
7. Environment Talk of Hamburg
How house building can look like for sparrows, nickle and pipistrel was also topic of the 7. Environment Talk of Hamburg taking place on 21th September 2016. Prof. Wolfgang Weisser and Dr. Thomas E. Hauck presented their work of ZSK subproject 2.
Closing event "Bavarian Climate Week"
Under the slogo "overcome climate change" the Bavarian Climat Week took place from 26th July to 2nd August, 2016. For one week the partners of the Bavarian Climate-Alliance were present with their campaigns, info booth's, video contributions and other activities as cooperation partners of the open air cinema at the Königsplatz in Munich. The actions took in whole Bavaria to raise the awareness of humans of all age classe for the topic of climat change. At the closing event, Ms Ulrike Scharf, minister of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection invited to the Vorhoelzer Forum at the TU Munich on August, 2nd 2016. At this event, the current research status of the ZSK was also discussed. Prof. Regine Keller, Prof. Werner Lang and Prof. Stephan Pauleit presented the current and future work of the ZSK.
More information on the Bavarian Climate Week:
Pressemitteilung Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
© Copyright: Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, J. Schwepfinger
ISEneC Integration of Sustainble Energy Conference in Nürnberg
For the first time the international conference „ISEneC – Integration of sustainable Energy Systems“ took place in Nürnberg on July 11 and 12th 2016! The ZSK and subproject 1 were present in the session "Cities".
IALE-D and SURE workshop
From 09.-10.06.2016 the IALE-D/Centre for Landscape Research (CeLARE) and SURE workshop on the topic "Urban biodiversity versus functional design in cities? - The case of urban trees" was held in Salzburg. Teresa Zölch and Astrid Moser represented the ZSK and gave an oral talk (title: "Modelling growth and cooling effects of urban trees in Munich, Germany") about their research.
AAD at Planet Wissen
The broadcast "Planet Wissen: Igel, Spatz und Feldgrille" (ARD-alpha) on 04th, May 2016 3 pm issued the topic 'value and threat for the native species diversity'. In this context the AAD-project (subproject 2) of the ZSK was presented.
Kick-off event AAD
The official kick-off event of our project "Application of the Animal-Aided Design (AAD) Method" was on 25th of April 2016 at the TU Munich-Weihenstephan. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weisser and Dr. Thomas Hauck, the project team, its structure, its objectives and the project partners (GEWOFAG Projekt GmbH, Ingolstadt, LBV München, michellerundschalk and bogevischs buero) were presented. The StMUV was represented by Prof. Dr. T. Gschlößl. We wish all participants a successful start and an interesting project progress!
Urban Tree Diversity 2 Conference in Melbourne/ Australia
From 21th to 24th of February, 2016 the conference "Urban Tree Diversity 2" took place in Melbourne/Australia. To promote international exchange Astrid Moser of the ZSK subproject 3 "City Trees" gave a talk with the topic "Risk assessment: How do urban tree species respond to drought? Analyzing tree growth in relation to the surrounding urban environment".
New contribution at Biotope City
The contribution "Green Infrastructure Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation", presented at the 1st European Green Infrastructure Conference in Vienna in November 2015, is now published online at the internatioal Biotope City Journal.
ZSK Workshop "Effects of Green Infrastructure - Challenges for Practical Implementation", 21st May 2015
On 21st May 2015 the second ZSK expert workshop was held at the Vorhoelzer Forum at TUM. Under the topic heading "Effects of green infrastructure - challenges for practical implementation" participants from science and practice shared their experiences pertaining to green infrastructure. The ZSK case studies in Munich and Würzburg served as a basis for discussion.
After ZSK presented its research results, the effects of green infrastructure measures on climate, biodiversity and public space were discussed in a World Café. In the afternoon, a Fish Bowl discussion aimed to identify potential barriers to the implementation of these measures. Presentations by Doris Schnepf (Green4Cities GmbH, Vienna), Dr. Stefanie Rößler (Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR), Dresden) and Wolfgang Socher (Environment Unit, City of Dresden) gave very valuable impulses for the discussions. Thank you!
Proceedings of the workshop are available here.
Press release about the start of the house construction project of subproject 2: Animal-Aided Design
Following the start of the construction project in the Brantstraße in Munich, at which the method Animal-Aided Design of ZSK-subproject 2 will be tested, the Spiegel released in volume 21/2015 the article "New construction with dust bath - Neubau mit Staubbad (in German)" here to download (0.8 Mb).
European Climate Change Adaptation Conference from 11-14th May 2015 in Copenhagen
Under the title "Integrating climate adaptation action in science, policy, practice and business" the second European Climate Change Adaptation Conference ECCA took place from May 11 to 14, 2015 in Copenhagen. Prof. Stephan Pauleit presented the current research of the ZSK in the session "Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities" with a poster, Teresa Zölch gave a talk in the session "Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and disaster risk reduction".
Workshop on regional climate change adaptation, 3rd March 2015
The project management agency at DLR organised a workshop in Munich on March 3rd 2015 to discuss future research questions on regional climate change adaptation with stakeholders of different sectors. The results of the discussions are going to be included in a new funding programme of BMBF to support the development and the implementation of regional adaptation measures. Julia Brasche represented the ZSK at the workshop.
Participation at the 8th BIOMET conference in Dresden
PD Dr. Thomas Rötzer and Astrid Moser presented their research results of the ZSK subproject 3: City Trees under Climate Change at the 8th BIOMET conference from 02nd - 03rd December 2014 in Dresden.
ZSK presentation at the workshop "Dialogues between science and practice" in Hamburg, 25-26th November 2014
Organised by the Climate Service Center 2.0 the workshop "Dialogues between science and practice" took place in Hamburg from November 25 to 26th. Teresa Zölch presented the ZSK in the working group on climate change adaptation chaired by Dr. Thorsten Grothmann from the University of Oldenburg.
Participation at EUROCITIES Conference, 5th-6th November 2014
At the international EUROCITIES conferenc in Munich the ZSK was represented in the session "Working Group Integrated Urban Development and Working Group Housing with Input from Working Group Green Areas" by a oral presentation of Dr. Gondhalekar (title: "Exploring synergies between green infrastructure and energy efficiency as well as between climate adaptation and mitigation”) and by a poster presentation of Dr. Gondhalekar and Julia Brasche about the topic "Integrated Strategies for climate protection and climate adaptation".
At this event, Dr. Gondhalekar had the opportunity to briefly explain the ZSK project content to Mr. Dieter Reiter, Lord Mayor of the City of Munich.
ZSK Workshop on Ecosystem Services, 24th October 2014
ZSK hosted an internal workshop on ecosystem services with Professor Mark Simmons, Director Research and Consulting, Ecosystem Design Group, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, University of Texas at Austin.
ZSK Presentation at Environment Senate, City of Landshut, 21st October 2014
Dr. Gondhalekar presented the ZSK research framework at the Environment Senate of the City of Landshut. The Lord Mayor of the City of Landshut, Dr. Keyßner, Mr Ritthaler, Head of Department of Environmental Conservation of the City of Landshut, as well as city councillors and further stakeholders of the City of Landshut were present.
Poster Presentation at the REKLIM Conference, 6-9th October 2014
At the international REKLIM conference Our Climate - Our Future: Regional perspectives on a global challenge in Berlin Teresa Zölch (subproject 1) presented a poster in the session on Integrated strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Workshop „Climate mitigation in urban planning", 18th September 2014 in Munich
A Workshop on „Climate mitigation in urban planning - Communal examples of best practice" in Munich, was organised by the Service- and Competence Centre of the German Institute for Urbanism. For the ZSK Julia Brasche (subproject 1) attended the event.
ZSK Talk at Energy Day, TU Munich, 12th July 2014
The Centre for Sustainable Building (ENB) of the Technical University Munich took part in the event Energy Day organised by the Bavarian Chamber of Civil Engineers. Dr. Gondhalekar presented the Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation (ZSK) research framework. Please see the Programme for more information.
ZSK Presentation at Environment and Planning Committee Meeting of the City of Würzburg, 1st July 2014
Dr. Gondhalekar presented the subproject 1 (Climate mitigation and green infrastructure in cities) research framework at the Environment and Planning Committee Meeting of the City of Würzburg on 1st July 2014. The Mayor, Mr Schuchardt, and the Environment Officer, Mr Kleiner, as well as city councillors and other stakeholders of the City of Würzburg were present.
Workshop with Partner Cities, 4th June 2014
On 4th June 2014 a ZSK-subproject 1 workshop with partner cities was held. After an introductive presentation about the project's work, the representatives of the partner cities were invited to share their ideas in smaller discussion groups.
Expert Workshop, 22nd November 2013
On 22nd November 2013 the first expert workshop of ZSK subproject 1 (Climate mitigation and green infrastructure in cities) took place. Representatives of the Bavarian State Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV), the Supreme Building Authority at the Bavarian State Ministry of Interior, the Departments "Urban Development and Building Regulations" and "Health and Environment" of the City of Munich, the Institute of Landscape Architecture and Public Space of the Technical University Munich and the project team attended this workshop. The thematic goal of the subproject was presented and the collaboration with partner cities discussed. The next workshop is planned for spring 2014.