City Trees II - Urban Trees under Climate Change: Growth, Ecosystem Services and Perspectives

Urban trees are a key element of urban spaces. With the following research project conducted by the Chair for Forest Growth and Yield Science in cooperation with the Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation (ZSK), funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, the growth of urban trees, their ecosystem services and perspectives in a changing climate was analyzed.
With an environment and climate sensitive growth model, the growth patterns of urban trees were simulated depending on the water and light availability from young to high age. Ecosystem services of common urban tree species were calculated under current conditions as well as under climate change.
The project was a continuation of the project CityTree I, where the growth, development and ecosystem services of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in the cities München and Würzburg were analyzed.
With the follow-up project CityTree II the number of tree species was enlarged by the species plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) and alien tree species. Moreover, the studies were extended by measurements and subsequent analyses for the Bavarian cities Nürnberg, Bayreuth, Hof and Kempten to get more generalized evidences for the dependencies of growth patterns and ecosystem services of urban trees in Central Europe. Thus, practical advices for a sustainable management of urban trees can be delivered.
The third subproject of our Centre "City trees under climate change" could be successfully finalized with the publication of the "Guidelines for urban trees in Bavaria" as well as a final report. All the documents are in German language.
Here you can download the Guidelines
Here you can download the attachment of the Guidelines
Here you can download the final report of the Subproject
We would like to thank all participants of this successful cooperation!
In a following subproject of the Centre, and after further development of the CityTree model, an interactive guideline (with a simulation tool) for urban trees was finalized. Here you can find the online simulation tool of the subproject 16 >>