Tree height, stem diameter and crown parameters are mostly related to species and age. Depending on the available ressources water and light and in relation of the tree species, the studied tree species provide to some extent considerable ecosystem services for a comfortable city climate. For example, a 60 years old lime can approx. transpire 30 m³ per year (black locust: approx. 28 m³, chestnut: aprrox. 20 m³, plane: approx. 58 m³), bind 100 kg CO2 (black locust: approx. 40 kg, chestnut: aprrox. 45kg, plane: approx. 95 kg) and shade 160 m² (black locust: approx. 200 m², chestnut: aprrox. 110 m², plane: approx. 310 m²).
Further detailed results about the growth and ecosystem services including the influence of microscale changes on the growth and services of all studies urban tree species in Bavaria can be found in the final report of the project and the guideline (example for the results see figure below.)
Thus on basis of extensive measurements and the development of a climate sensitive growth model, for the first time the growth and ecosystem services of urban trees in Bavarian cities could be quantified for the current and future climate conditions. The results can be used for a sustainable tree management in cities and the urban tree stand can be optimized for the future.