Climate Protection and Green Infrastructures in the City

Project run-time

June 2013 - July 2017


Climate change, shortage of resources and changing environmental circumstances pose an enormous chall­enge for humans and nature, which we need address urgently and systematically. In Bavaria, sensi­tive eco­systems are already being impacted significantly. Cities are strongly affected, but also have unused potential to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to adapt to them.

Therefore the aim of eco-political strategies is to mitigate climate change as rapidly and intensively as possible (reduc­tion of greenhouse gas emissions) whilst at the same time they aim to adapt to the already noticeable im­pacts of the climate change, or react preventively.

The aim of the centre for urban ecology and climate adaptation is to develop, jointly with partner-­cities, guide­lines and urban concepts for communes integrating reduction of green­house gas emissions and climate change adap­­tation measures. Such guidelines may then be exemplary for other cities in Bavaria. In order to improve the resilience of Bavarian cities, a synergy of ecosystem services, energy savings at the building and neigh­bour­hood levels and renewable energies is aimed for.

Project Overview

In order to systematically develop integrated strategies for climate protection and climate adap­tation, the first sub­project (TP1) of the ZSK "Climate Protection and Green Infra­structure in the City" builds on the state of re­search in the following topics:

  • Climate change impacts, vulnerability and resilience
  • Climate adaptation through ecosystem services of green infrastructure, including biodiversity
  • Climate protection through energy efficiency and renewable energies
  • Integrated urban development climate protection and adaptation strategies

Detailed case studies of urban neighbourhoods in three Bavarian cities aim at an interaction of eco­system ser­vices, energy savings at the building and neigh­bour­hood level and rene­wable energies. The resulting synergies will be researched in close co­operation with the partner cities. The aim is to counter­act climate change and im­prove the resilience of Bavarian cities to climate change.


TP1 extends approaches to integrated urban development concepts and develops guidelines for future develo­pment in urban areas and concrete urban develop­ment measures. The project intends to generate pioneering pro­jects of integrated plan­ning that can be transferred to other cities in Germany. The project also aims to ex­pand net­working with relevant organi­zations, including the Bayerische Ingenieur­kammer-­Bau and the Bayer­ische Architekten­kammer, Climate Alliance partners of the Bavarian State Government and local umbrella organi­zations.



  • Building simulations
  • Modelling of ecosystem services of green infrastructure
  • Scenarios for the adaptation of building structures and open areas
  • Integrated system modelling
  • Socioeconomic studies
  • Questionnaires of experts
  • Mile stone
  • Workshops and conferences
  • Partnerships with cities and municipalities
  • Dissemination


After a duration of four years (2013-2017) the first subproject of the ZSK "Mitigation and Urban Green Infra­structure" was now successfully completed with a guideline for munici­palities in Bavaria and a final report.

The guideline can be downloaded here (german, 48.0 MB).

The final report can be downloaded here (german, 11.8 MB).

We thank all involved for the successful collaboration!