Das elfte Teilprojekt des ZSK "Nachverdichtung im Kontext des Klimawandels" konnte mit der "Handreichung digitale Planungsmethoden" und einem Schlussbericht erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.
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Wir danken allen Beteiligten für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit!
Journal Artikel und Konferenzbeiträge
Banihashemi, F., Reitberger, R., & Lang, W. (2022): Investigating Urban Heat Island and Vegetation Effects Under the Influence of Climate Change in Early Design Stages: For Performance-Based Early Urban Design Decisions. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2022(2), 679–688. |
Erlwein, S., Meister, J, Wamsler, C., & Pauleit, S. Governance of densification and climate change adaptation: How to solve conflicting demands for densification and greening in cities? Land Use Policy 106593 (128) |
Gabriel, M.; Fellner, J.; Reitberger, R.; Lang, W.; Petzold, F. (2021): Voxel based method for real-time calculation of urban shading studies. In: SimAUD 2021 - HUMAN + |
Huang, J., Reitberger, R., Banihashemi, F., & Lang, W. (2022). A novel risk-based design framework for urban heat island: A case study of Kempten, Germany. Building and Environment, 109671. |
Reitberger, R., Banihashemi, F., & Lang, W. (2022). Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Combined Building Energy Simulation and Life Cycle Assessment: Implications for the Early Urban Design Process. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2022(2), 629–638. |
Reitberger, R., Schade, C., Banihashemi, F., & Lang, W. (2022). A Life Cycle Perspective on Vertical Densification - Embodied Impact Assessment of Vertical Building Extensions. Proceedings of the Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Conference 2022, 702-707 |
Espinosa, A.; Reitberger, R.; Banihashemi, F.; Lang, W. (2022): Analyzing the simplification of context shading for use in building energy simulation. Turning points in the energy transition: Setting the course for the next decades, 12th Energy Colloquium of the Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy and Process Engineering (MEP) p. 45 |
Reitberger, R.; Fellner, J.; Gabriel, M.; Lang, W.; Petzold, F. (2021): Using voxel masks to assess evapotranspirative cooling from urban tree arrangements. 11th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering, 2021 Energy Sciences for Europe's Green Deal, p. 65 |
Reitberger, R.; Fellner, J.; Lang, W.; Petzold, F. (2021): Life Cycle Assessment of vertical building extensions in early design stages. 11th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering , 2021 Energy Sciences for Europe's Green Deal , p. 60 |