Veröffentlichungen - City Trees II: Stadtbäume im Klimawandel
Peer-reviewed Journalbeiträge
Pauleit, S., Gulsrud, N., Raum, S., Taubenböck, H., Leichtle, T., Erlwein, S., Roetzer, T., Rahman, M., Moser-Reischl, A. (2022): Smart Urban Forestry: Is It the Future? In: Chokhachian, A., Hensel, M.U., Perini, K. (eds) Informed Urban Environments. The Urban Book Series. Springer, Cham. (pp. 161-182). [DOI]
Moser-Reischl, A., Roetzer, T., Pauleit, S., Pretzsch, H. (2021): Urban Tree Growth Characteristics of Four Common Species in South Germany. Arboriculture&Urban Forestry, 47(4):150-169, [DOI]
Moser-Reischl, A., Rahman, M. A., Pretzsch, H., Pauleit, S., Rötzer, T. (2019): Growth patterns and climate relationships of two contrasting urban tree species. Landscape and Urban Planning, 183: 88- 99
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Anderson, M., Zhang, Ch., Rötzer, T. (2019): Comparing the infiltration potentials of soils beneath the canopies of two contrasting urban tree species. Urban Forestry & Greening 38:22-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.11.002
Rötzer, T., Rahman, M. A., Moser-Reischl, A., Pauleit, S., Pretzsch, H. (2019): Process based simulation of tree growth and ecosystem services of urban trees under present and future climate conditions. Science of the Total Environment 676: 651-664. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.235
Moser, A., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S., Pretzsch, H. (2018). Stadtbäume: Wachstum, Funktionen und Leistungen - Risiken und Forschungsperspektiven. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung AFJZ. 188. Jahrgang 2017, Heft 5/6, 94-111. DOI: 10.23765/afjz0002006.
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Gold, A., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S. (2018): Vertical air temperature gradients under the shade of two contrasting urban tree species during different types of summer days. Science of the Total Environment 633: 100 – 111.
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Anderson, M., Zhang, C., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S. (2019): Comparing the infiltration potentials of soils beneath the canopies of two contrasting urban tree species. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 38: 22–32.
Bayer, D., Reischl, A., Rötzer , T., Pretzsch, H. (2018): Structural response of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) to varying urban environments analyzed by terrestrial laser scanning: Implications for ecological functions and services. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 35:129-138
Duthweiler, S., Pauleit, S., Rötzer, T., Moser, A., Rahman, M., Stratopoulos L., Zölch, T. (2017). Studien zur Trockenheitsverträglichkeit von Stadtbäumen - Studies on the drought resistance of urban trees (0,50 Mb). Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 21:137-154 ISBN: 978-3-87815-253-8.
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Rötzer, T., & Pauleit, S. (2017). Microclimatic differences and their influence on evapotranspirational cooling of Tilia cordata in two contrasting street canyons in Munich, Germany. In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, pp. 443–456. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.10.006
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Rötzer, T., & Pauleit, S. (2017). Within canopy temperature differences and cooling ability of Tilia cordata trees grown in urban conditions. In: Building and Environment 114:118-128. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.12.013
Pretzsch, H., Biber, P., Uhl, E., Dahlhausen, J., Schütze, G., Perkins, D., Rötzer, T., Caldentey, J., Koike, T., van Con, T., Chavanne, A., du Toit, B., Foster, K. & Lefer, B. (2017) Climate change accelerates growth of urban trees in metropolises worldwide. Scientific Reports 7: 15403. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-14831-w
Moser, A. (2016). Structure and Growth of Urban Trees and Their Impacts on the Environment – From Assessment to Model. (Dissertation). Technische Universität München, Deutschland
Moser, A., Rötzer, T., & Pretzsch, H. (2016). The urban environment can modify drought stress of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) (2,87 Mb). In: Forests 7, p. 71. DOI: 10.3390/f7030071
Moser, A., Rahman, M. A., Pauleit, S., Pretzsch, H., & Rötzer, T. (2016). Inter- and intraannual growth patterns of urban small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) at two public squares with contrasting microclimatic conditions. In: International Journal of Biometeorology. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-016-1290-0
Moser, A., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S., & Pretzsch, H. (2015). Structure and ecosystem services of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in urban environments. In: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(4), pp. 1110-1121. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2015.10.005
Rötzer, T. (2018): “The contribution of urban forests to adapt cities to climate change – Quantifying growth and ecosystem services of trees under present and future climate conditions”. Yangling International Agri-Science Forum, Xian, China.
Rahman, M. A. (2018): “Comparing the cooling and runoff reduction potential of two contrasting urban tree species in Munich, Germany” European Forum on Urban Forestry 2018, Helsinki und Vantaa.
Rötzer, T. (2018): “Growth and Ecosystem Services of Urban Trees. Workshop for Developing Cooperative Research on Climate Change Mitigation and Urban Green Infrastructure in Cities of Brazil and Germany”, Sao Paolo /Brasilien.
Rötzer, T. (2018): “Mitigating urban climate change - Simulating ecosystem services of urban trees under present and future climate conditions”. 1st World forum on Urban forests, Mantova, Italien.
Rahman, M. A. (2018): “Ecosystem services from urban green spaces - a quantitative study to compare the species differences at micro-scale”. First World Forum on Urban Forests, Mantova, Italien.
Moser-Reischl, A., Rahman, M. A., Pretzsch, H., Pauleit, S., Rötzer, T. (2018): „Auswirkungen des Standortklimas auf das Wachstum und die Umweltleistungen von Stadtbaumarten in München“. Julius Kühn-Institut Braunschweig & Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft e.V.: Urbane Pflanzen Conferenzen, Braunschweig, Deutschland.
Rahman, M. A. (2018): “Quantifying the Thermal Benefits of Urban Trees in Our Cities”. Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2017.
Moser, A., Rahman, M. A., Pretzsch, H., Pauleit, S., Rötzer, T. (2017). Einfluss des Standortsklimas auf den Wachstumsverlauf von Linde und Robinie in München (93 kb). BIOMET Konferenz. Stralsund, Deutschland.
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S. (2017). Microclimatic thermal benefits through urban greenspaces – influences of species and growth conditions (0,28 Mb). BIOMET Konferenz. Stralsund, Deutschland.
Rötzer, T., Pretzsch, H., Moser, A. (2017). Wachstum und Umweltleistungen von Stadtbäumen unter veränderten Klimaverhältnissen – eine Simulationsstudie für süddeutsche Großstädte (0,33 Mb). BIOMET Konferenz. Stralsund, Deutschland.
Zölch, T., Moser, A., Pauleit, S., Pretzsch, H., Rötzer, T. (2017). Jahreszeitliche Unterschiede im Blattflächenindex von Stadtbäumen als Grundlage zur Bewertung ihrer klimaregulierenden Leistungen (86 kb). BIOMET Konferenz. Stralsund, Deutschland.
Rahman, M. A., Moser, A., Rötzer, T. & Pauleit, S. (2017). How effective are our urban trees in reducing urban heat? Green Infrastructure: Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities: GreenInUrbs COST FP1204 Konferenz. Orvieto, Italien.
Moser, A., Rahman, M. A., Pretzsch, H., Pauleit, S. & Rötzer, T. (2017). Effects of planting sites on growth and services of inner-urban small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) (0,71 Mb). Green Infrastructure: Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities: GreenInUrbs COST FP1204 Konferenz. Orvieto, Italien.
Rötzer, T., Moser, A., Rahman, M. A., Pauleit, S. & Pretzsch, H. (2017). Wachstum und Ökosystemleistungen von Stadtbäumen im Klimawandel (1,82 Mb). 8. Agrarwissenschaftliches Symposium. Freising, Deutschland.
Moser, A., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S., & Pretzsch, H. (2016). Risk assessment: How do urban tree species respond to drought? Analyzing tree growth in relation to the surrounding urban environment (32 kb). Urban Tree Diversity 2 Conference. Melbourne, Australien.
Moser, A., & Zölch, T. (2016). Modelling growth and cooling effects of urban trees in Munich, Germany (0,18 Mb). Workshop "Urban biodiversity versus functional design in cities? - The case of urban trees". Salzburg.
Moser, A., Uhl, E., Pretzsch, H., Rötzer, T. (2014). Einfluss des Strukturerfassung und Ökosystemleistungen von Winterlinden und Robinien in München und Würzburg (0,25 Mb). BIOMET Konferenz. Dresden, Deutschland.